Monday, January 21, 2008

I ar't the emo one

How dare you? For that matter, how dare anyone? Sex is something closed to the public world.
I often feel that I might have made a mistake in my past, one which I am afraid I am not up for discussing on the internet.
Instead I will tell you a story, which involves a lot of the same emotions (very few of the same actions) as my situation. It involves a denim bag, a pile of scratched CDs, and a boy that didn’t know who he really was seeing. There was a girl who completely lost herself and tried to regain her identity through sex of all things. Eventually meeting the above mentioned boy, she tried to seduce him, and it never worked out. She left a denim bag at his house and borrowed a pile of his CDs in an attempt to make more reasons to see him.
Frustrated to the point of insanity, he started to see her as stalking him. He eventually had sex with her, but it was not a good thing. She cried rape a few days later once she realized that the name she had created for herself was “whore”. She quickly was called a victim, and he labeled a sexual predator. There was no proof of anything occurring, except that the CDs and the Bag served to prove that they knew each other.
She never did come to a profile she liked, but he lost so much. The emotions involved are shared by my story; abandonment, lies, and betrayal. Once one party has what they want, or realize that they will not get what they want, they are gone. That is what has happened to me, a long time ago it happened, and I just came to realize it today. I was used by someone, to make them feel better about themselves. I was the only one who loses out in the end.