Monday, March 31, 2014

The events of today

Today I was off work, but I had work on my mind all day long.  I am starting to think that the other manager finds me incompetent.  I know what has happened.  I know what is causing him that think that, and now I can fix it.

Moral: it does no good beating yourself up when you can fix it.  I can fix it, so I don't need to feel bad.

Friday, March 28, 2014

On Facebook

Last night I stopped posting on Facebook.  Why?  Cause I'm tired of the advertising. I kept on thinking my friends were taking about new products,  But it was all paid advertisements.   I'm not planning on deleting it,  just not going to post or read it anymore.  I already deleted the phone app,  and next time I'm at my computer I'll clearer the browser shortcut.
The moral off all this is that many people allow themselves to be bombarded with advertising just so they can take quizzes that sell their information to huge companies who put out more advertising.  It's a terrible cycle.

Friday, March 14, 2014

I'm the boss

I let the girls at work get away with a lot. But now c I'm going to treat them like I treat the guys.   I'm going to be a hard ass.  They can take it.  I don't think I shOuld let them get away with what terrible habits they have.   No more!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The flood

I wish I had a flood of positive emotions.  I'm in a great mood, but that's just the whiskey talking.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Far Away Land

Recently I find myself in a far away land, where the past comes alive. But in this place I am now alone.  Allies previous have abandoned me, while old enemies see me on level terrain.  There will be few new diplomatic bonds formed.  I will see the reclusive men as they are.