Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dear "Mani"

Really, "Mani"? You could have just used your real name in the Email.  It's not like I am going to judge you.  I don't even know you.  I am going to answer your question with a rather rude awakening.  YOU'RE COMPLETELY SELF CENTERED.  You are completely wrong, nobody is judging you, cause nobody is looking at you.  There is no need to be embarrassed.  Your friends are only telling you to make such changes because they are your friends, they like you right now, even in your current state.
As for my advice, I would say, "Yes, I did it.  You should try it."  Email me again if you need to.

Broken up (part 2)

He texted me again.  I knew he would.  He wants to be friends... but I am not interested in having him as a friend.  Maybe, we will see how it goes.

Pride 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Conflict resolution

When people argue,  they both think they are right.   There isn't always a winner, but there is often two losers.   There comes a point,  usually when one party attacks the other party rather than the issue, that successful communication is halted.  At that moment it is crucial to realize there are deeper issues.  Walk away and come back with a clear head.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Broken up

To all my dearest readers; I was recemntly broken up with. As in ten minutes ago. I imagine in a year when I reread this post, I will not feel much at all. But it did teach me somehting, about equals. I was lucky enough to go out with a guy out of my leage for a few weeks. In that time we made some changes for the better to try and pull myself up, but I guess it was too little too slow. So... FUCK HIM. I think he will certainly give me a call later. I know he will , they always do. Why? Cause I am BOSS! I am the Duchess! I am ME! Now, and Forever I am Me. It is his loss.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Airplanes take the "Travel" out of "Traveling."
Meaning that the joy is in the journey, not the destination

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I had a friend in ohio who I never really introduced to people.  She was perfectly nice till she started drinking.  Then she became mean.  The few friends who did meet her would always ask me how long I'd known her, with a upset look on their faces.  So finally i stopped being her friend, cause she was nasty to me too, and she stopped inviting herself over all the time.  She moved away when i was about 3 or 4 months from moving to New York, since then i have gotten pleasant texts from her.  But i dont respond, i just let her exist.
I realize i was embarassed of her.
I am a loving drunk, she is a judgmental drunk.  It worked out well most times, but the bad times are the ones that stand out to me.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Everyone has opinions.  And the thing is, people believe that these opinions are based on facts, but they never are.  For example: a friend and I were discussing age of people in couples.  I am 27.  But I have what most people think is a very large window of acceptable ages.  I would date a 22 year old, if he was martyrs enough for me.  I would date a 35 year old if he treated me like an equal.  That is what it is: the relationship is based on being equals.
Now, the person I was having this discussion with felt that my age range was too large.  I expect she would only accept if I dated ages 25-30.  Now why does that matter to her? Because she bas an opinion.  That's all it is... what she wants for me.  Perhaps she speaks from concern that I will be hurt by people, crushed from the differences.  My response was silence, until she persisted.  Then I realized that I had nothing but opinions also.  Except my opinions are within my own body.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

On being single

Every time my phone chirps, I hope it's him.  I've got IT bad.  Real bad.  I'm working out more, to make sure he finds me sexy.   Trying to give him space so he doesn't feel smothered.   I even am playing hard to get.  And I think its working!  I just need to keep him from seeing anyone else... :-(

Saturday, June 08, 2013


I really thought Chris Brown :-) and Bobby Brown :-( were the same person.  Glad to know they aren't.

Which is good,  cause Chris Brown is one of three black guys that I've ever found hot.  Bobby is kinda ugly.

In case you're wondering,  Taio Cruz is the other one... but only with the glasses on.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Best sales pitch for flower seeds ever

Nymphaea Caerulea (Blue Lotus) was held in very high esteem by the ancient Egyptians. Nymphaea Caerulea (Blue Lotus) was worshipped as a visionary plant and was a symbol for the origins of life. The Egyptians believed that the world was originally covered by water and darkness. A Blue Lotus sprang up from the water and opened its petals to reveal a young god, a Divine Child. Light streamed from the Divine Child to banish universal darkness. This child god was the Creator, the Sun God, the source of all life. When the Pharao known as King Tut was entombed, his body was covered in Nymphaea Caerulea (Blue Lotus) flowers. Read more:

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Dear DEBT; I'm leaving you.

I have decided that I'm too good for you.  I don't like what you've become and I'm writing to tell you, "I hate you,  and I hope you catch hepatitis."  You've turned into an out of control monster who is getting in my way.  Please do your best to distance yourself from me, I realize it may take time.  I know that what you've become is my fault, I liked all the things we did together and I briefly thought the fun would never end.  But now it is starting to turn bitter.  I have done a little reading up on your personal life, all the other men and women you've been in bed with, and I don't like what you did to them.  So I am making a change: and there is no place for you in my life.

Hugs and kisses,

Moral: slap debt in its face.

My Method

I'll be writing all my spending down.  I used to do this, but then I stopped when I moved.  Since then I've wracked up more debt.  So its back to the drawing board.
I will also be taking myself down to one card, and putting my target card on ice (literally putting it in a bag of ice in the freezer).  I will also close my Newegg account once it's paid off.  CareCredit can stay open.