Monday, June 17, 2013


Everyone has opinions.  And the thing is, people believe that these opinions are based on facts, but they never are.  For example: a friend and I were discussing age of people in couples.  I am 27.  But I have what most people think is a very large window of acceptable ages.  I would date a 22 year old, if he was martyrs enough for me.  I would date a 35 year old if he treated me like an equal.  That is what it is: the relationship is based on being equals.
Now, the person I was having this discussion with felt that my age range was too large.  I expect she would only accept if I dated ages 25-30.  Now why does that matter to her? Because she bas an opinion.  That's all it is... what she wants for me.  Perhaps she speaks from concern that I will be hurt by people, crushed from the differences.  My response was silence, until she persisted.  Then I realized that I had nothing but opinions also.  Except my opinions are within my own body.