Tuesday, August 30, 2011


[quote="KC2MDP"]The only real solution is to get rid of all that cr^pola. After all.... 30 years ago Cigaretts were considered safe. And today in most places you can't even do that anymore. Get rid of all that garbage, it does nobody any good.[/quote]

The following statement sounds like I am trying to be funny, but I am being very serious. So serious, that to avoid confusion, I wrote this sentence explaining how serious I am.
There is a direct link between people who use the word "crapolla" and those people feeling like they know better than everyone else. And these people are always conservative individuals. Do not try and prove me wrong, for 1000 men cannot prove me so as I am right. It has to do with a feeling that using actual profanity is barbaric and crude and a fear of backlash that will result from being forward about their emotions in a ratio more appropriately scaled to how strongly they feel.
I would know, one of them sends me such things at least once a month.

Moral: I am just as bad as they are. I just use words that spellcheck doesn't underline. I think I have all the answers, but at least every once in a while I step back and say "How sure am I that I am right?". I must be wrong sometimes, the shear numbers of the situation mandate it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I made a new friend, and he made a recommendation; I have always wanted two different colored eyes, and now (Michael C.) I can. He made a recommendation for colored contacts, a specific recommendation. I can keel the freckle on my eye.

Moral: you can change things about yourself, but be wise. You are who you are. make a change slowly and deliberately, and don't loose yourself. Not a freckle, not a blemish, not a single thing about your that you like.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Thank you FLORIDA and KENTUCKY!! Florida and Kentucky are the first states that will require drug testing when applying for welfare, effective July 1st. Some people are crying this "unconstitutional" . How is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test people who work for their money, but not those who don't?

fixing what isn't broke pt. 2

I ordered a plant light. Far less invasive than re-potting all the plants and it should help with blooms.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

fixing what isn't broke

I have several plants, all of which are growing very fast. Faster than they probably should be, to the point that they are disproportionately tall and too narrow. I was going to repot them into soil that was less fertile, but then i realized, "so what?". Big deal if my plants are not the same as everyone else's, they seem to be healthy enough. Plus now I can bend them into weird shapes.