Friday, May 29, 2009

case modding

I am going to perform a case mod on Sheila, my computer. I am going to spray paint her olive green.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

minority cheack

As I read an interview with Andrew Bridge, the lighting designer for Phantom of the Opera and many other shows, I read a line that he states women don't do it in England. It isn't' really open to them there like it is in the states. and I wonder... can I put this in my presentation on him? Will I be labeled anti-feminist if I say that in England women aren't able to be lighting designers and I like that because it gives me a better chance of success if I ever go there?

Why is it that we feel the need to damage our own chances for success because we want it to be "fair". I don't really feel any loyalty towards a level playing field, I want the scales tipped in my favor all the time. I want to be successful, and if the bias is towards me; great. What is so terrible about that?

never mind

I just found out the worst thing I can say to a deaf guy... and it isn't about them being deaf. It is "never mind". I didn't even have to think about why it is so unfair to say, I figured it out just after i said it. It is completely taking them out of the conversation, and it is like saying, "I don't care enough to reword it". Basically, it discounts them. And in a conversation of two people... it is the end of the conversation.
I made a quick mistake. Now i know. And, even better, I understand.
I have/ had ADD. So I missed stuff sometimes too, and I was told "never mind" a few times. It sucks and makes you feel so alone, and kind of stupid. That is not a good thing. But if the person explains it you usually realize that you understand it more than you know, and it is kind of strange that you were confused initially.

moral: even if someone is completely "Hearing", you still hurt feelings by saying, "never mind."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

gaming computers

people who buy gaming computers suck ass. They have no idea what is "under the hood". I was on a forum and a guy bought a gaming computer 5 months ago and is having trouble. I asked if SLI or Crossfire are active or even present on his machine. he had no idea what I meant. I told him the they are video card technologies that link multiple cards together and enhance performance. I told him that if he looks inside hie computer case he would see two or more identical video cards. He opened his case, and then just took a photo... he had no idea how to even look at the innards.
And by the way, he got ripped off... that computer is not worth 900 for just the tower.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

at the picnic

dam. I have tried to write this post two times already, this is the thrid attampt.

I went to a deaf picnic. It was fun. Met some nice people. They were deaf.

there; consise, pointful, factful.

and most importantly... leaves nobody out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am not a pedophile

Just because I like boys doesn't mean I like little boys... in fact, some, like myself, like big boys.
big, muscly, hairy guys with descended testicles and big cocks.
so step off, you stereotyping, judgemental cliche.
Go fuck yourself, as I am sure your conservative ass would refuse sex from anyone else.

Monday, May 11, 2009


found. just like that horse.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

destroyed in paper

I just saw the MFA solo projects. They were good. But I was thrown off by some of the lighting. I wrote about it in my paper for my 625 class. I destroyed the designer, not knowing who it was, expecting each soloist to have organized their specials... but then I read the program. Sorry Jarod... but the truth is out there, I was not impressed with your emotional level in lighting, your practical applications (especially your lightning effect) were very good, but as far as the emotion put forward, you came up lacking.
There, I said it. I will have no problem turning in my paper.

Friday, May 08, 2009

dreaming in color

so apparently, some people can't dream in color? And they can't read in their dreams, as it is process of the other half of their brain. But that is not the case for me. I had a dream last night with lots of colors and some text. it wasn't too bad. Point is, I think people can read in their dreams and see color, just they can't remember it.

Monday, May 04, 2009

she is tough

I met a girl who worked collections for a bank just briefly. She said the worst was when she had to tell a woman to pay the mortgage, but the woman said that her husband had cancer and son was too young. She was the only income.
But then this girl told me that she has been through a foreclosure and lived in a shelter. She is tough-- tough as nails.