Monday, October 29, 2007


my computer chair was lower than before... odd. but not completely out of the realm of explicability.

And yes, I know that isn't a real word.

Oh Kathleen

Haha I'm back now...oh wow where to start.

So I was trying on this outfit that I wanted to wear out tonight, and I wanted to see how it looked with heels on. I don't have a full length mirror (yet) in this apartment, so the only way for me to really see myself head to toe is by standing on the edge of the bathtub, looking into the big bathroom mirror.

Fully dressed, with heels on, I climbed up on it.

I grabbed onto the shower curtain rod for balance, but there must have been some water under my foot... I slipped, and though I was hanging onto the metal rod, I still fell, and brought the rod down with me! The thing was metal, and it's BENT now where I was hanging onto it for dear life lol. So um...I sort of fell splitting the edge of the bath...half of me inside, half hanging out. And the shower curtain and rod all came down on top of me. To top things off, I had some stuff soaking in the tub, so I got wet too...oh yeah, I've got some nice bruises and a scrape on my shin now.

Vanity will be the death of me!

Hah, so how the heck I am going to explain this to whoever I need to speak with to fix it, I don't know... "well you see, I was practicing my uneven bars routine and..."

Keep in mind, this story is coming from the girl who spent the last 15 years of her life training in ballet. Guess that goes to show how much I excelled in the "gracefulness" department.

That was the story of a girl that I know on the OS. Very funny.

another lovely lady's story.
Ive been known to put clothes in the fridge...I once put my umbrella in there too ..i do this a lot i have a thing about my fridge obviously. if ever i cant find something i always check my fridge and my washing machine because i put things in there too. Oh and washing powder in the sugar bowl.
when i was a smoker i often, when on the way to work and running late would run for the bus and on boarding it ask the driver for 20 Benson and Hedges LMHO. The looks i got.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

a song called

I was rating my music and I was going through the Sarah Brightman section of it and clicked on a snog I haven't' heard in a long time... so long that I didn't recognize it. It was very odd.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Oh, I get it. God is a spaghetti monster and there is no great mystery to life. Evolution explains everything. Evolution is the answer to how, not the answer to why.
The mystery of life is to live.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


[Thursday, October 25th at 22:24:50] shoutingsteve001: -exhaule-
[Thursday, October 25th at 22:25:02] shoutingsteve001: it jsut sucks when your best friend hates you


Freppo non epi naro. Mio simmetta un nina en leemare too armatti y narno. Mio resputto ed effe martes conquerat asta.

Formitarse anno "Kevin Anon" semi "Kevin Nute". Ha. Betnasche eppi chemica. Tomaro chemica. Respunte a mia atoriaita.

On an unrelated note:
Page emuno cantic agree.
nomo agree... appe.

P.S. Yo lo mortimo te gemmino alla miste y multuno tuna-- appe.



Who knows the number for phone repair?
It is 611
not 411, that is very different.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Tosca le imbune notte remuniaremente. Mio fimallare, non ti multime frepo alte. NON TI MULTIME FREPO ALTE. remunit... Page eppi tutto fratte non-pation. Non repo mia lenit fratelle zapi. Dutte tirimitu repo abutta in totoa, diffi reponte tumino. Le gli matto remuni altimun; NON TI MUTIME FREPO ALTE.

In gli chimara reno tummare totalle. Totalle.

P.S. Ed munni reminite mas malto.

P.P.S. Yomo la toti resulmi a confi li tummi peretre cummei. Etterne intuplica mitte. Ann, Sam, Becka... tummi intomme. Intomo a mitter chumpa. Duete Ann reppo, non mist andamo, mist tuti cantelli. No, no mist cantelli, mist semi-cantelli (hahah, semi un ante!! semi- cantelli non punti langare).

The things I know

The things I know, I know because I know them.

Is that clear?

-this space intentionally left blank-

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I feel ... better

she through me a bone, I am sure she could see that i am very torn up about how she is disappointed in me for finding out. But now I feel like she and I are back on the same team.

there's a plae

there's a place, so I've heard--

there's a --

there's a place, so I've heard--
where dreams--

Oh, fuck it.

The break down. The way in which I come upon a truth is not a matter is dire importance. When I see a cry out, it is inhuman to ignore it. Just as inhumane to ignore a fist going through a wall, it is terrible to ignore a title with capital letters in it. The--

hmm. I suppose it could have been worse, but at the same time, I feel pretty bad about even looking. It was not a simple notice and glance, it was a see and confirm. My confirmations were-- disheartening.
But in the end, it is not me who suffers.

If I could just get it to be understood that I don't hate anybody, if anything, this has made me feel a great swell of pity.

Now, as to the way that I would have this resolved, there is no way of undoing it. The best that I can hope for is that there is an amount of joy in the continuing of the method. Does that make sense? I think that the only way that certain joys can be realized is through the same method that this pain occurred... with the same channel.

My design professor

I am sick of having to talk to my design professor like he is mentally retarded.
The use is simple; you use the ring to hold up the curtain. To do this, you slide the curtain hole onto the end of the ring that has the bulb on it, and then place the ring (with the curtain attached) onto the curtain rod. The rings are necessary to hold up the curtain and to allow it to move to open and close the shower. Depending on how you have the shower curtain hung, this task can vary in difficulty.

I actually have to put that into my paper.


I respect you-- so very much.
Realize that.
I always have, and I still do.
I repeat, always.

I reflect on a time when we first met, and how much better off we are now living under one roof. We work, it just works. Even when we have out little crazy moments, however rare they might be, we still just work.
I also reflect on the times that you and i made a great team, mostly against things like a crazy lady (iron fist) or an intruder in the garage (gentle hand). Our teamwork works together.
Finally I reflect on the fact that you and I don't "need" each other, we "choose" each other. That concept is a great testament to our friendship.
Remember that.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Lesson learned

I never used to leave my speakers on all day, but over the summer I started to use them to wake up. It is much nicer to wake up to moby than a terrible alarm noise. Anyway, after my speakers blew, I find myself forking out money to have them fixed. the learned lesson is not to leave them on too long. Simple. But they are working great now.

So, it is week of greatness: speakers repaired, new cell phone, paintball. It is good.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Page, your OCD cleaning is hurting the family.
It makes you less fun to be around, and makes everyone a bit uncomfortable.

P.S. I know that you don't want there to be a dinner table in the dinning room, but we have to have one.

Edit: Now I know why you do it, though.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

new art

My lateset piece.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

one thing

if there is one one thing that I can't handle, it is people who ... throw their happiness in your face. I don't mean the people who are happy, and you can see it in all they do, that is fine. I mean the people who are happy and then take every moment as an opportunity to try and prove that if you are not them, you are miserable. This might sound like an internal problem that I am blaming on others, but this extends to so many fields. Like the nut jobs that feel it acceptable to degrade others actions and decisions. Or those that flaunt there devotion to things... things that don't matter to most besides themselves.
I am sorry if I am being cryptic, maybe it is just that... I am angry, maybe it is just and internal problem that I am blaming on others?

Friday, October 12, 2007


I saw something today that I really wish I hadn't. One can only deny something for so long, mainly until it is proven. I have been letting myself love someone that is destructive to me. I don't mean falling in love with someone, I mean loving someone; letting them under my skin. I had always had an idea that there existed a leap of faith for me, but never one to this magnitude; I was in complete denial.

Tonight I awoke to reality: You ain't no good.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Monday, October 08, 2007

your gonna die

between 1995 and 2005 3147 people were killed by terrorists. In that same time span, 3949 people were killed by law enforcement... you're more likely to get killed by the fuzz than a terrorist.


First Encounter Assualt Reacon.
I finally beat this game... but I played the last 4 levels in one sitting, and now i am afraid to go to sleep (or turn off the lights).

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Guess what... Justin Nolan did it.
Justin Nolan installed mac OSX on 8/15. So, There is a computer out there that can run EVERY SINGLE OS ON THE MAKRET. Heheh. I love it when technology gets ripped apart by consumers. Now the question is, can Mac keep up to support a quad core processor? PCs already have them. Are their designers good enough to have planned for "unintentional users"?

Moral of the story: Teach a man to fish, and he will rip your eyes out with the hook.

one of them

I am one of them? Those who can't stand the idea that there is a little box that gets more "kudos" points than the system that I built. For a few years now, especially in the last two, persons having built their computers from nothing at all (those that actually understand the way a computer works) have found themselves having to explain to fans of the little white box why the owners of said box find themselves with their noses pressed against a glass ceiling. We (well not me)) have finally discovered the fatal link in their system so loved,

0x00 4 mhbd
0x04 4 header size = 0xBC
0x08 4 filesize
0x0C 4 unknown = 1
0x10 4 version number = 0x19
0x14 4 child count = 0x05
0x18 8 databaseid
0x20 2 unknown = 2
0x22 2 unknown = 0x0263
0x24 8 identification
0x2C 4 zero padding
0x30 2 unknown = 1
0x32 20 unknown, changing completely from itdb to itdb
0x46 2 language, seen: de, en
0x48 8 library persistent id
0x50 4 unknown, seen: 1, 5
0x54 4 unknown, seen: 0x08, 0x0D, 0x1D, 0x4D, 0x8D
0x58 20 unknown some similarities between versions
0x6C 4 timezone offset in seconds. +2*60*60 -> 0x00001C20, -4*60*60 = 0xFFFFC7C0
0x70 76 zero padding 0x00000000

Have any idea what that means? I'll bet that the ones sitting in front of a little white box don't either. None but those that have built a system and run a BIOS-to-OS know what that all means.
Basically, this is what keeps the mac OS off of a PC mobo (well, this particular string set is actually the Ipod locking, keeping anything except for itunes from altering the ipod, however the bigger string set that i haven't got at my disposal is being worked on by Windows, Linux, and Solaris users). The Intel processor can work for macs now, that is old news... but after the end of this data tagging, the PC will be able to run OSX (illegally hacked, of course).
So, in conclusion, fuck off Mac you are no longer "anti conformist" (and we all know that is the only reason people bought the mac anyway). The brainpower behind this hacking force is not to be trifled with.

Friday, October 05, 2007


I have recently started taking more... amazing photos. My first amazing photo was not taken by me, it was taken by my friend Heather, I was laying in a field. Since then I have had the gay vanity shot, a couple of years ago with my fujifilm. But then I got a much better camera. Since then I have taken the sexy series. First a picture of me in jeans, then the windblown one, the studying ninja, and most recently-- TV Box and the Egyptian.

FSH Muscular Dystrophy

This is the end of a girl's smile. There is a 15 year old girl who can no longer smile. Do you know what that means... she is done showing her joy... or even her sorrow. FSH Muscular Dystrophy is a degenerative disease that kills the muscles of the face and some of the upper back. It sucks... that is the end of ... so much for her.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


I screamed my head off tonight, and now it is time for bed... after I check my email.

Monday, October 01, 2007


My grandmother was moved into a old folks home yesterday. I knew about it, but I didn't give it too much thought. Today I read the description of the place that my father sent... he said that it sounds great, that she doesn't have to make the bed, all her meals are cooked for her, all her laundry done for her... I think that sounds terrible.
I fear that I will be cast away in the end. I had a thought about what happens to gay people when they get old? They have no family or children... nobody. Alone, and there is nobody to take care of them. Of course there can be adopted children and partners, but... that isn't the norm. I am ... so afraid to be alone. I can barely stand to come home to an empty house. The moment anyone comes home, The first thing I do is dash into their room and ask how their day was. I am not meant to be alone... it makes me feel... alone. I know that sounds needy and dependant-y, but what is wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with needing people.