OK, so I made a post on the 10th about a guy at axis. i heard that he is bad news, but he doesn't look like it... well, looks can be deceiving. I like to think that the raptor would stay clear of him if he were bad news. I prefer to keep the illusion that the raptor cares more about me than the people who he knows once removed... I could be wrong.
However, the raptor is not the subject of this post. A certain character in blue underwear is. hahah, you must forgive me, if you are reading this, Joel. I was rather taken with you at first glance. If your personality checks out, you might be worth keeping on my IM list.
Now, as far as the line I said before, "Turns out that he is no good". I am afraid that it might not be true. I fear that he might be a good guy, and fear it because that means that someone did not want me to see him in a positive light. This person has nothing to fear from this guy. He is a hot boy, I will call it what it is. There is nothing to fear...
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago