I am gay. That is a fact. And as human I love social interaction.
People are not meant to exist alone in bubbles. I need to preface this post with that.
If a straight guy talks to a gay guy, the scenario could go 2 ways (well, that is an understatement and simplification.)
Way 1;
They meet and talk and turn into buddies like two heterosexuals, going and doing "normal stuff". If the gay guy invites the straight guy to a gay-esque bar it can mean that he is comfortable enough to share and expose himself (haha- very funny but I am being serious now)to that guy. That is a great thing!
way 2;
They meet and the gay guy pretends to be uninterested sexually, but really is. That is bad, as it will end with hurt feelings. Plus it is awkward as hell for the straight guy.
So, it boils down to: Gay guys should be treated like less attractive straight females by heterosexual men. If they ask you to "do something as friends" they can go either way.
Now. That is the gay guy talking to the straight guy. What about a straight guy talking to a gay guy and asking him out as friends? This is a bit more tricky. or is it? We know that there is not a sexual drive involved in this.
When a straight guy asks a guy out for a drink or lunch, he is intending it to be a drink or lunch. And that is what it should be.
If I were a gay guy and a straight guy said to me "Hey, why don't we go get a drink Thursday night at Bar X so we can get to know each other?" I would say that I would be up for that. Then when we get there, I would talk about me and let him talk about himself. I would shake his hand at the end and say, "This was fun, we should do this again." If he agreed, I would suggest lunch sometime.
And that is where a two-way friendship is. Both people are happy.
This was exactly what happened to me with a friend of mine, on 10/15 I posted about this.
He and I are great friends and he and I are very comfortable with each other now.
Oh, and if the straight guy puts a move on you... say no the first 2 times, then yes the third time. This makes it look like you had no intention of such a thing. Unless he has a family and a wife, then you say no every time for the first two man-dates. From there, you will not need my advice, you will know he feels.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago