You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey abbe
Stranger: *babe
You: haah, abe...
Stranger: LOL
You: asl?
Stranger: didnt mean to mix up the letters :P
Stranger: 18 f USA
Stranger: you?
You: 23 m usa
Stranger: nice :)
Stranger: where abouts in the usa u live?
You: Mid Ohio
Stranger: cool. i live Bayonne
You: nice
Stranger: :)
You: you in school?
Stranger: just left
Stranger: in uni :)
You: me too osu
Stranger: wicked. but your 23!?
Stranger: lol
You: I groduate in 7 days
Stranger: nice ;D
Stranger: you taken?
You: I am freaking out
Stranger: why?
You: I am taken, but flirting is free
Stranger: haha :):) cool.
Stranger: im in a relationship
Stranger: im pregnant.
Stranger: 2 months
You: I am freaking because i am not sure what i am going to do
Stranger: oh ok.
You: awe, congrats
Stranger: thanks!
You: i don't know much about pregnancy. Can you tell the sex by 2 months?
Stranger: im not in uni at the mo because of the baby so im off for abit so its good to stay at home but my boyfriend works wednesdays and thursdays so its abit lonely.
Stranger: no unfortunley :( but im desparate to know!
You: when will you know?
Stranger: in about 5 months time :(
You: sheesh!
You: that is a long wait
Stranger: i have to keep going for checkups to see if the baby is healthy and alive.
Stranger: i know! :(
You: any name ideas?
Stranger: for a boy, i like : Adam + for a girl, i like: Layla
Stranger: but i dont know.
You: lovely names
Stranger: thanks :):) my boyfriend doesnt like them :( so they wont probably be called that.
You: what does he want?
Stranger: for a boy, he likes: Ryan + for a girl, he likes: Keira
You: those are nice too
Stranger: i know.
Stranger: i dont know what to do.
Stranger: i want them to be unique names.
You: maybe you can combine them... arian and kayla
Stranger: i dont think i will want sex again until im older. lol
You: hmm not arian
Stranger: haha
You: hahah
Stranger: its hard seeing as im quite young.
Stranger: im finding it hard to cope..
Stranger: but its okay. (i think)
Stranger: you there?
You: think of it like this; ladies have been having kids since the dawn of time. All have felt unpreparred. Many have ben so scared that they break daown or hide it from themselves and others. You are under the care of a pysician, you have your boyfriend (who has a job) and
You: you'll be fine
Stranger: thanks :) i guess your right !! thanks for the BRILLIANT advice.
Stranger: but im scared if me and my boyfriend break up :(
Stranger: im left with the baby, hard to cope with it, all by myself.
Stranger: we always have arguments that make me want to break down and cry. but i have to be strong.
You: you have your highschool diploma? that puts you ahead of many mothers your age
Stranger: otherwise he threatens to leave..
Stranger: true.
You: he does?
Stranger: yeah.
You: hmmm
Stranger: :( and i get scared
You: perhapse he is just as scared
Stranger: but i dont want the baby (OR EVEN ME) to get hurt.
You: you need to show you are there for him and let him show he is thuru for you
Stranger: i just want a happy life.
Stranger: but im always trying so hard for him. and he just...
Stranger: he beats me
Stranger: beats me up...
Stranger: which is why im on here. being as bored as ever. but i will have to go too because he says im not allowed on this.
You: hmm. well. that is a pickle
You: how old is he?
Stranger: hes just turned 19
Stranger: in November
Stranger: and i just cant leave him. because of the baby...
You: how long did you date before the baby
Stranger: about a year?
You: ok.
Stranger: im not tooo sure.
Stranger: *too
You: if you stay you face physical danger of you and your child
You: if you go, you risk being alone.
Stranger: but what can i do without him!
Stranger: he makes the money.
You: you have parents?
Stranger: he is the dad!
Stranger: well, only my mum. my dad died about 2 years ago.
You: a dad and a father are different things
You: can you live with your mom?
Stranger: no. she lives with her new "husband to be" :(
You: in his house?
Stranger: in her flat.
Stranger: but he doesnt work - none of them do - so i cant live there.
You: it is her flat, she can have you there if she wants
Stranger: they like time alone. :(
Stranger: but she follows my "stepdad" Paul. whatever Paul wants her to do, she does it
You: ok' so ohe isn't an option
Stranger: :(
Stranger: there is noone else.
You: have a good friend?
Stranger: my best friend, Sabrina.
You: is she single?
Stranger: no.
You: and how long have you known her?
Stranger: she lives with her boyfriend.
Stranger: since i was a couple of centermetres tall.
You: does anyone know about your dangerous situation?
Stranger: no. i have tried to tell my mum but shes too interested in Paul.
Stranger: Sabrina has seen it happen but shes too into her boy
Stranger: its so hard.
Stranger: but i dont want to get rid of the baby! the baby is my baby...
You: if you say, "mom' he hits me" she will let you in
Stranger: no. she wont believe me.
Stranger: hes a kiss up to my mum.
Stranger: he always has been. she likes him,
Stranger: its like he flirts with my mum!
You: mom's are smart. they can see through things
Stranger: he once told me he didnt really love me... :(
Stranger: my mum cant because she always concentrates Paul.
You: she might not like him and just pretend to for your sake
Stranger: she does. she really does.
Stranger: she says to me i wont ever find someone like him ever again.
Stranger: i got to go :( bye xx
Stranger: thanks so much for the help. love you lots
You: good luck
Stranger: bye bye thanks
You: be safe
Stranger: thankyou x
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
“Do you know why I pulled you over?”
9 hours ago