Tuesday, August 11, 2009

snoring boyfriend

I Yahoo Answer searched for "Snoring boyfriend" and this was the first one that came up;

I really think I'm going to kill my boyfriend. I'm at my whits end. He snores like fat hippo..... or what I would imagine a fat hoppo to snore like.

I've had barely any sleep the last few nights, last night only managed about 4 and I am a person who needs my sleep. I'm meant to be up in hrs for work but I can't even get to sleep because of his stupid snoring. I am really beginning to resent him for it.

He has tried nasal strips... he snores with them on believe it or not. He used to stop when he rolled onto his side, only now I've nudged him to do this so many times he's adapted to snoring on his side. Wonderful.

What else can I do? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! I am so, so tired! Anything else work for snoring? Ear plugs just hurt or fall out and I dont really want to sleep in another room... tho I may have to tonight.

I feel the same way!!!! Gonna kill him!