Racism and Homophobia are the exact same thing. When somebody insults me and they say I am fat, or ugly, or not funny, or stupid, or whatever; I can argue that. but when somebody says somethign about my race, I can feel it,because that's who I am. When somebody attacks your sexuality, that hurts. that's you, you cna't change that. Sexuality and race are the escentail parts of ourselves that we cannot remove or destroy. They are the you of you and the me of me. I was fortunet enough to grow up after ACTUP "Silence=death" (if we don't talk about AIDS, we will die of AIDS.
I adopt a similar slogan, "Silence=non existance" If I don't "go there" it's like I was never there in the first place. I noticed this most after the September 11th attacks, when no gays/lesbians and no women and hardly anyone of color was invited to speak their opinions of what was going on. And the ones of another race that were invited were all Arab or fromt he middle east and they were talking about how they were being mistreated becaseu they were the same skin color as the terrorists. (that's dumnb. It's like punishing me because of the unibomber). And yes i am very conserned about the troups, but I am also conerned that people are getting arrested by the INS and FBI for having the wrong last name. I am hurt all over that there is a war and there are people starving in other countries (and people starving in this country becasue of what they see in magazines.)
But I am also hurt becasue somebody just got called a fag, a dyke, pansy, bull-dyke, sissy, or chink, or nigger, kyke, wetback, engine, jab, bitch, whore, cunt. Becasue that person is being attacked becasue of who they are. I think that if racial minorities, sexual minorities, feminiests (both male and female), if we all got together, (hell, all liberals!) if we all got together and had this big voice, that would equal power, and power would equal change, and that change would equal revoltuion.
Brigitte Bardot in 1958
3 hours ago