First degree of suffering (things that are happening to me)
1. I haven't spoken to any of my roommates in almost three days.
2. I am currently rather thirsty, therefore in a bad mood.
3. I just spilled water down the front of me, in an attempt to rehydrate.
4. I have to figure out how the fireplace was broken, then fix it. As it is now, there is likely a small gas leak.
5. I missed voting day.
6. I haven't finished reading Harry Potter and I don't really feel like doing it.
7. My crazy sister Michelle is being retarded about gayness.
8. I am falling victim to the assumptions of others.
9. I have spent a small fortune on postage to people out of the city.
10. page is upset at me.
11. I am going blind in one eye, and it is not reversible.
12. I spent around an hour on the phone to try and straighten out this refund with Klipsch.
13. My ADD medication needs to be refilled.
14. My contact prescription is costing me and arm and a leg.
Second degree of suffering (things that are happening to others that I care about, so I am concerned about them and feeling pity for them)
1. My sister is being told that she is wrong for being a lesbian.
2. Page is upset.
3. Sam is sad that Jim is leaving.
4. My boss is concerned about the walkin freezer.
5. The cat is going to loose her tail.
6. Michelle is upset because of Megan, even though it is her own ignorance.
7. My mother is feeling unloved.
8. My brother is feeling encroached upon.
9. Ann has cancer, but she is getting better. On top of that, Page dragged her into the middle of her and my situation.
Third degree of suffering (things that are happening in the world, so we are all together in suffering)
1. OSU's tuition is increasing.
2. Gas prices are on the rise.
3. The number of miscarriages is up from last year.
4. Some bitch is trying to create a democracy over in the East... alone, by the way.
5. Global warming. It is different than you think, but still happening.
6. Mathematically speaking, California is about to die of cancer... as a whole.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago