Friday, November 09, 2007


The network has been taken down, mainly because there is no longer a need for it to be up. Page will never bother to print another thing from my computer, nor will she ever bother to look at the things that stored on sheila. She has made her computer impossible to get into (it is more of a slap in the face than actually protecting her files), and it is extremely evident that she doesn't really care to see anything I have to show her.
So, we shall leave it at the "Le Disko (Live in Studio WFNX 101.7" as the last file shared. After all, none of this would have happened if I didn't put it there... I suppose I can chalk it up to me not wanting to hide it, as if it would make it better.
She has saught the advice of others, which is good. But so have I. With the limited amount that I have told them, they seem to mostly say that i was wrong (duh, I know that). But there is one that has said something miraculously different.

Your problem started when you said something to the other person.


Rich is right. If I never let her know I knew... this would not have happened. I am not really that concerned with Tony and her relationship, The only one that I actually care about is the one between her and I. She continues to talk about him-- when i am only concerned about she and I. I would prefer that he not be told that I don't like him, frankly because that is not an accurate statement. Page is very angry at me, Tony isn't. I don't have anything to work through with him. I dislike him as little as I dislike any person who has hurt those I care about. I had him red flagged when I met him, because I knew he was hiding something. and I was right. So now the situation has reached an equilibrium; he has nothing left to hide (at least nothing that puts out the persona of hiding things) and I have nothing left to fault him for. Smug? No. I am correct.

I am not an idiot, I know that eventually she will come here to read this, I have always known that she will read these, that is why I make sure to put the things that I want her to know. I am not "planting" posts for her to read, but more so making sure that what I do write is OK for her to see. I have not written anything that I want to keep to myself, this is the Internet people... it is the lowest form of security known to man. You are better off putting it on a billboard...