Monday, February 04, 2013

I just took my "Day 60" photo for my workout routine.  I am really happy with the results. I would say that I am proud of myself, but I am not.  I am actually a little disappointed.  I didn't stick with it as hard as I did in my first 30 days.  But I have changed my routine to make it more aggressive and easier to schedule.  Basically I have 2 days a week off, so I am doing all sections of my routine on those days; abs, butt, chest, legs, arms. 
The other days of the week I am doing my normal routine of:
Sunday: Chest and Legs
Monday: Butt and Arms
Tuesday: Stretch/Rest
Wednesday: Abs and Chest
Thursday: Arms and Butt
Friday: Legs and Abs
Saturday: Pull Ups

So for example this week I am off work Monday and Friday, so my routine looks like:
Sunday: Chest and Legs
Monday: abs, butt, chest, legs, arms
Tuesday: Stretch/Rest
Wednesday: Abs and Chest
Thursday: Arms and Butt
Friday: abs, butt, chest, legs, arms
Saturday: Pull Ups

I suppose that if all the stars aligned, I could potentially do each body section 4 times in one week, which would be over-training and would not be advantageous.  But if I get to that point I'll just be smart about it.