I rarely use this blog to talk about things that are completely about myself. Most times it is a story about another, advice, humor, or something else. This evening I will be discussing something wholly me. I fear for my future.
There, I said it.
It seems that everything in my future is hinging on ... on other stuff. I know what I want to happen. Ideally my chosen career succeeds, josh and I live together in harmony, and I continue toward my goals of b--
and there it stops.
This blog is not a place for me to air my concerns and the whole internet to suffer the trite bitching of a 23 year old male.
Moral/Advice: it is PROVEN that when you put something into a handwritten list, you are more likely to achieve your goals. This doesn't even have to be in a place where you see it regularly. You can put it in a drawer if you like. Just as long as you make the list.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago