I move in just a few days... only a few days.
But, I was shocked that people are shocked that I wanted to bring home a pint of ice cream for Page. She likes Lavender, and we finally made a flavor that is just straight up lavender, without the cranberry. I figured i would bring some home, and I would have, but I forgot. Plus I didn't ask Stan or Denise if it was OK. I will remember tomorrow.
There is a thing called "the Welder's Rose" it is a rose and stem made of sheet metal. It has very sharp corners and easily draws blood.
My friend (who hasn't told everyone else yet, so he is not going to be named until he has done so) was broken up with today over the phone. I am glad that I am here for him. Even though I am only on the phone, I like to think that i can be (at least) a distraction for him.
There is blood all over my class schedule. I was very stressed out the other day, to the point that it actually made me bleed spontaneously.
Brigitte Bardot in 1958
3 hours ago