I was watching television a few hours ago today and saw a commercial for the next episode of some show about rich people. On the commercial a guy says "Most people don't know what it is like to get a phone call that changes their lives".
uhm.. what? hold the press you egotistical piece of television crap. You honestly thing that you are the only one who can have their entire fate decided by someone on the opposeite ond of a telephone? Or perhapse it is just that you have had sucha stable and padded life that the idea that it could be so quickly ripped out from under you is so foriegn that you have never heard of it before. I think that everyone who has ever had to work for something can look back on a wowent and say thath they were not in control. Med students waiting to get into residencies, actor's praying for a role, cancer pationts on the verge of tears about bioepsy results. Wo have all had to admit that we are at the whims of fate.
Moral: People are not as different from eachother as you tnhink.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago