Thursday, July 15, 2010


Every once in a while I plunge into a state of art. Does that make sense? For the past few days I have cast away my video games; been distant to friends, family, and lover; found myself awake at all hours needing to create. It is like an itch i can't reach, or a fix I can't satisfy. There is no way to explain it besides to simply state it. I have been toiling away on my bonsai project (I now wait for the final piece before the final stage of assembly) and creating a new sign for PI (Pure Illumination). I have also been writing (nothing of any consequence, just dribble that I never manage to complete) like I rarely do just for the sake to get whatever is inside of me out into a tangible form.
It all started with the bread machine I got Josh for Christmas, I have been baking like there is an army to feed (perhaps a small army...) after picking it up two weeks ago. Once I was able to create something I needed to do it more and more.

It is truly an addictive process. Cruel and addictive.