Fear consumes me. I suppose consumes is the extreme of the word. I might say that fear motivates me a great deal right now. I am in a position to show great courage... what I will do might be something different.
... 5 mins into movie ...
phew. I feel better now. so much better. No matter how bad I feel, I have life easier than many. Fear is not acceptable-- in fact it is selfish. It would be selfish of me to be afraid for myself like that. That means that -- i am not sure what it means. I suppose it might mean that I am thinking about myself first... which isn't so terrible...
What it boils down to is: Fear still exists.
Moral: if you are reading this, you don't have it bad. You are at a computer, which means there is electricity, which means you are in civilization. There are a billion people in worse spots than you.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago