A few days ago a man passed away because a of a disease. Now, here is the kicker, he have 48 people the bacteria before it took him out. A photo of him was put out and everyone who was in contact with him was encouraged to go get tested. Because of his position, he was a social figurehead. And he went by a different name on Facebook than in real life. I believe this was so that the people who actually knew him could differentiate between who he truly knew and those he didn't. I was a friend of his, for real, so I knew the real name. And I was amazed when i found out he passed away, but I didn't get angry until the people who put out the photo referred to him by his stage name. It was upsetting because it was like they didn't even bother to find out the truth of him. That, and they used the photo of him that I hate cause it makes him look like a douchbag.