I got a haircut today from the same woman who has cut my hair for the past 6 months or so. I got there and her assistant (the Asian lady who does nails) washed my hair, and then the hairdresser came in and proceeded to cut my hair. She asked me "you want same thing as last time?" through her accent. I said, "yes", and she proceeded to cut my hair and make small talk. It seemed like she was cutting rather close, but I trusted that she remembered how I wanted it since she asked if I wanted what I got last time. Shortly later she took me over to the sink and rinsed out my hair in the basin and then let me style it myself. It wasn't my haircut. I assume she must have confused me with another client, since all white people look alike. the haircut looks great, really accents my face, and makes me look kinda buff; but it isn't MY haircut.
The point is, although I do look great, it isn't really "me". Your haircut says something about you, just as much as what you wear or how girls do their makeup. Everything that you let the world sees says something about you. Even things you don't choose on a daily basis (thin/fat, white/black, your job, your friends, your car) say something about you.
Moral: make sure that every detail you show the world accurately reflects you.
That’s the last time I go shopping
2 hours ago