Sunday, August 22, 2010

One over Another

Occassionally in life we have to choose one person over another. Sometimes this is very difficult. This time it is not, but sometimes it is. I recently rekindled a friendship. I was then faced with a dilema. The friend doesn't care for one of my facebook friends. Now normally in a case like this one person bitches about the other until some resolution is reached- and with me, I usually drop the bitchier friend who has the audacity to tell me who I can and can't be friends with. But in this case, nobody said anything. Likely because they are both unaware or perhapse just don't give a flying shit. Either way- I feel that I cannot be friends with both. It isn't them, it is me. (By the Way-- never believe anyone who says that to you (just a side note)) this time I choose the old friend.

moral: sometimes you have to push someone out, but often times they weren't really that close.

Addition: I didn't even have to think twice about it.