Who's heard of it?
Basically it is an obstacle course about 10 miles long. It is an event that is open to anyone who wants to do it. It raises funds for charity and gives participants an excuse to buy a teeshirt.
Now, lets talk about what it isn't. It isn't qualifying you to be a navy seal, it isn't something for you to gloat over, and it isn't a StrongMan competition. It really isn't a competition at all, it's fun.
The idea of the event it to have fun. A friend of mine injured himself last year, he over exerted himself. Bummer, that isn't any fun. But here is the kicker, he wants to do it again. Cause he had fun.
Now, the gray cloud to go with the silver lining: I have no pity for him and his injury. He did it to himself. Just as I have no pity for ANY injury where someone is putting themselves into danger. I hope he feels his three hours of fun was worth his year of physical therapy.
Jim Gaffigan’s ♫ Hot Pockets ♫
5 hours ago