Anyone familiar with the idea that distance makes the heart grow fonder? I dare say that extends to people who are not separated, but have not met. The beautiful thing about being thousands of miles away is that people only see what you show them. The man who peers through his computer screen in New York at a man/woman in San Francisco shows only a small part of himself.
I am getting at something here. What I am saying is that I am nearly inventing a friend for myself in someone I barely know. I will refer to him as Robert Dumare... uhm. yeah. I am subtle...
Point is, I have very little to go off of. Mostly Facebook messages and texting. All text based things. Thus allowing a very limited portion of his personality to come through. I am sure he is as nice as he seems-- but I fear that I am building up to an extreme disappointment. This is not to discount long distance relationships... mealy explain my fear about meeting Roy-- I mean Ralph, err-- what the hell was that fake name?
Moral: you can imagine someone is anything you want when they are more than a thousand miles away.
This is exactly what I would expect
2 hours ago