As humans we crave new stimulus. We are always looking for new ways to have fun, new things to eat, new people to meet. In fact, if you aren't looking, society slaps you with some sort of stigma/mental disease diagnosis. If you too actively seek these out, then you are antsy. A perfect balance is required to be "normal".
I am making some changes in my life, and I have one person to thank. I finally stopped listening to everyone else. And now I am pursuing happier things. I don't care if people look at me while I walk down the street or if they ignore me. I don't care if people think I am cold hearted or a big push over. Least of all do I care if anyone feels the need to validate my choices.
I am not saying that i want to be some sort of anti-conformist. I hate hipsters. I am saying that I will do what I think is best. This means I need to make some changes, since a lot of my life is about other people.
I'm 22. There is no need for me to live for anyone but myself. Nobody.
Moral: Live for yourself, because nobody else can make you as happy as you can make yourself.