SO, there is a crazy situation going on with my family. My mother and my brother's soon-to-be ex wife are hating each other. I am the only one in the family that is on the outside that has seen the inside first hand (I have been to the house since the divorce was proposed.). Michelle has the best view of what Franca is going through, however. Franca wants to get my mother kicked out of the house. OK, so that is not a big shock. I have no idea what is going ot happen, but I have a feeling that I am going to be putting mom up for a while. By a while I mean, a few days before I have to get rid of her. Granted it wouldn't be too bad to have her around. But, my feelings are not the ones that must be put into consideration here. i have roommates. Granted one is here far less than she used to be, and the other is at work 12 hours a day. I just don't know. What about sex? for all parties? I would not be able to have sex at my house, page is taken care of (she and tony have sex at his place), but Sam might not be comfortable having sex. That is not a major thing, but it is a thing. It represents many other things. Plus my mom is allergic to cats.
I guess I have to take the reins now. The behind the scenes work is a mole hill in comparison to what I will have to do this time.