If you are in a good situation, and you give a little, it can mean a lot to a person in a bad situation. If you are In a good situation and give a lot, it can rock some one's world.
I have a relatively full fridge, especially after this party. During the planning of this party, I discovered that a local neighborhood boy has been living in our detached garage. We store junk in there, including a moldy old comforter, a pallet (for stacked goods in a warehouse) amid other junk. There is no electricity, and it is not clean. Guarantied mice and rats. This boy is not really homeless, he is homewardly challenged. I am not sure how we got to talking about it, but he came to us today and we spoke to him about it. I realized something, he can go back home, it might not be easy, but he can do it. Maybe I am just harder than page, but I feel that he is keeping himself in this situation. Anyway, it was 2 am by the time he left. and he asked for food. I was glad to give it to him, I had been trying to think of a nice way to ask if he wanted something in a way that wouldn't be embarrassing to him. But I think that is was page, as soon as she went in, he asked. I told him to hang tight, and I ran in a microwaved two bratwursts for him. I put them ona plastic plate so that he could just throw it away and not worry abut bringing it back in one piece. I am concerned for him, but I am only going to help him if he helps himself.
And it has to be made just like that
4 hours ago