Monday, March 05, 2007
take my hand, I'm a stranger in paradise.
Give me your hand, I'm accustomed in reality.
I haven't been sleeping much lately, but the sleep I do get has been plagued by bad dreams. mainly dreams where normal things i do are multiplied to terrible tasks. Yes, I have nightmares about errands and housework. I had a dream a few days ago where Nadine had chewed her leg off and I wanted to hide it from page so I tried to clean up the leg in the middle of the living room. luckily, the leg was pretty much one piece. I also had a night terror that I was in the bank and they told me that someone had robbed the bank, but only took the money from my account so FDIC won't cover the robbery... it was odd to say the least.
Oh, and the one where my laundry kept catching fire in the dryer... that one was odd. The air from the blowing dryer kept stuff burning and destroyed all my clothes (I magically made all my laundry fit into the dryer in one load... probably why it caught fire.)