Sunday, March 25, 2007
The crab spider
I had a very interesting dream last night.
I dreamt that I was in my room and for some strange reason Matt (other) was also there. Now, the strange thing that happened was that Matt was speaking very softly, and telling me that he has some strange fantasy about me and an blah, blah, blah...
and then in come all these crab/spider things (it looked exactly like this crab, but was more sticklike and more brownish). And I end up killing one and then another gets hit by a car.
i know that is a strange dream, but I looked up what the crabs mean--
To see a crab in your dream, signifies you perseverance and tenacity. On an extreme note, you maybe be too clingy and dependant and hanging on to a hopeless endeavor.
Interesting. I think it odd that he should appear in this dream, after all, I assume that the sexual desire that I have for him to be a power struggle, but, what he said and all that other stuff leads me to believe that it is a an emotional thing.
I think it best to not do anything that might compromise a professional relationship.
Moral of the story--
When you think you know a relationship, you are dead wrong. Relationships will surprise you. And the best you can hope for is the sweet end of the lollipop.