Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

As I grow older

As I get older, I'm starting to think I'm the only sane person.  It seems like everyone else is crazy.  All the people I know and meet with are little psychotic.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

About being GAY

Whenever I meet another guy who doesn't really approve of my lifestyle they ask how I can be attracted to men.  They usually go on about how beautiful women are and about how sexy a vagina is, then says that the thought of another man's penis is disgusting.   I usually would engage them in conversation about how men are sexy.  But I just had a realization: I'm not gay because I find men sexually attractive (which I do, but that is a learned behavior caused by the real reason I am gay).  I am gay because I have LOVED men and never loved a woman.  I can connect emotionally to men in a way that I can't with women.  It is that simple.

Moral: So, to all my gay readers; next time a straight guy goes on about how disgusting dick is, just tell him that it isn't because of the penis of a man that you are gay, it is because of the heart. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Peace before Death

Many of my readers know about a woman who greatly impacted my life.  Her name was Ann Rankin.  She died just before Easter two years ago.  But before she passed away she she told me about peace.  She was herself till the very end, and this is important because it allowed her to see that the small things she wanted were happening.  I don't mean that she wanted to take care of funeral details or anything like that, I mean the things she wanted for those she was leaving.  She was able to give away he most precious possessions,  poetry and photos,  furniture that had filled her home, and personal affects.  She was also able to watch her loved ones cone together.  Page and I had just rekindled our friendship,  and page was carrying a baby.  It was these details that brought her with relief, not a little blue box.
She was loved.