just came back from a 45 min. walk around the neighborhood and got to thinking about things that happened in the last many years. In my carrer I have been bit by dogs,mosquitos,spiders,geese. Itched from mosquitos,posion ivy and dirt. Been shot at and missed my truch was shot at and hit,I have been pulled into excavation holes by cables and ropes, fallen into ditches by not jumping far enough, got soaked in the rain, frozen in the cold, came home smelling like a sewer,manure,sweat and grease. worn out many pairs of jeans, boots, gloves,shirts and tools. Driven over 200,000 miles on seven trucks and can look back on all of it as an adventure that changed every day. I got to thinking on my walk that now my adventures will be for relaxing and goofing off, no more having to scrape the ice off windows at 530am.No more 5am alarms, no more middle of the night phone calls with somekind of emergency where I needed to get to the cable right away. No more big ugly truck in the front of the house.Only getting up, having coffee,packing my fishing or hunting gear and doing what I really enjoy......being outside. Seems I've been outside all my life but just did'nt realize it. Well, enough for now as it is time for coffee, putting my feet up and getting ready for the super bowl. In less than 14 days my life is going to change....yoohoooooooo!!!
Good Ol Dad
And it has to be made just like that
3 hours ago