I think that the trick to being happy is to make others happy.
Send you mother a text message saying, “Just wanted to say I love you”. It will make her day.
Make sure that you are actually friends with your coworkers: that means doing something with them outside of work. It will strengthen your relationship and you will feel happier at work.
If you listen to your ipod while you walk across campus, hum along. If you are alone, lip-sync the words. You might look silly, but who cares? Music makes people happy, unless they are sad, so listen o happy music, and hum along. If you feel like singing, do it quietly. If someone insults your music choices, they are a jerk who is just unhappy.
Buy a T-shirt with a silly statement on it. It will make you smile and make people that read it smile. Win-Win situation.
Take public transportation at least once this winter. It will show you reality. Plus, you can get on for free because of your BuckID.
Eat more proteins and less carbs.
Get one type of cosmetic treatment done. Like getting your eyebrows waxed, or getting a new hairstyle, or your teeth whitened. These things will make you feel more attractive. That is a good feeling.
Bake a cake and give it to someone. Just give it to a friend. Don’t eat any of it. If someone thinks you are really strange for giving them a cake, then you gave it to the wrong person.
Commit a random act of kindness. This isn’t a big thing, but it I s more than holding open the door.
Watch a comedy, not a drama. And avoid the Lifetime channel at all costs.
Make sure you have family photos on your phone.
Create something artistic. This will impress yourself, and you actually have something to hold and touch: it is real.
Send someone a letter in the mail… and sign your name in pen.
Wear your favorite outfit out someplace.
Buy a flower and give it to a girl who you are not sexually interested in, likely it will make your friendship better. And for $1.25 you have made her so much happier than you can imagine.
You have a nice place: host a dinner party. Even if it isn’t a “dinner” party it still gives you the chance ot host and you won’t be pressured to drink because of the context of the party.
Learn a party trick, like palm reading or card tricks. These are nice little skills and you would be surprised at how great it makes you feel to have people watching you like that.
Next time someone is moving or painting a room, offer to help them.
Cuteoverload.com or icanhazcheezburger.com (these websites were suggested by another person)
Jog, it gets you out of the house and exercising. Plus you get to see shit rather than being on a treadmill.
Try a new hobby that creates something. Even if it comes out like shit, at least you tried. I build kites, some people reupholster furniture.
Keep busy, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and boredom won’t get you depressed.
Buy a new pair of socks, and make them a little weird. Something like lime green or light blue. Show them to someone, you’ll get some good reactions. Anyone who insults you for wearing colored socks is a jerk and just is unhappy about their own lives.
Pay attention to details. This helps you strive for a higher quality, and makes you feel better about things as they will be improving in front of your eyes.
Look around your apartment, notice if you have stuff. Or if your stuff has a story behind it, or if you even like the things you have. I lived with a tan candle on my coffee table for 5 months that I didn’t like. It didn’t even match the rest of the stuff on the table. Replace these things with stuff that reflects who you are or things that have back-story.
Wear sexy underwear. This makes you feel more confident. Don’t show it off, do it for yourself. Don’t be a tool by letting the waistband show.
Do something a little bit dangerous, you will feel more alive.
These are my suggestions, I hope you try some of them.