Pride is the worst of all the deadly sins. A "selfless act" can destroy all the other deadly sins, but not pride. Pride is the one sin you can't beat. What that means is that there is not such thing as a selfless act to pride. Everything you do is to win, all good that you do is for the greater glory of yourself.
I suppose that is only true to a certain point. It still does good for others. Recently I entered into a conversation with a friend. WE discussed the idea that Microsoft is a bad company that does good things. She stood her ground that they are so evil to all ends, while I said that the 4.1 trillion dollars they have donated has done a lot of good. They might be doing it to further a good image, or create a good image, or hide a bad image. But it doesn't change the fact that they are helping people.
Now it is time to reverse. Rather than a selfish act doing good, let's examine a selfless act doing bad-- oh wait, that was my March '08. Not touching that with a ten foot pole.