Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Major Boobage!

We all know they're fake!
Save your money, it is not like a guy is going to say, "You know what? Your breasts are too small, I can't sleep with you. I'm going to go home alone." We just don't do that.
So, props to our girl Kira Knightly for being famous in Hollywood and having real breasts that are small.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

UPS again

I love using UPS. They are so kind in their stores, and they understand that I could just as easily use Fed-ex or another carrier. I am having something delivered my store, which is closed until the 5. They tried to deliver a package, but the sign on the door said closed till the fifth. I checked the tracking and it says that they will redeliver on the 6th. Awesome.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Pride is the worst of all the deadly sins. A "selfless act" can destroy all the other deadly sins, but not pride. Pride is the one sin you can't beat. What that means is that there is not such thing as a selfless act to pride. Everything you do is to win, all good that you do is for the greater glory of yourself.

I suppose that is only true to a certain point. It still does good for others. Recently I entered into a conversation with a friend. WE discussed the idea that Microsoft is a bad company that does good things. She stood her ground that they are so evil to all ends, while I said that the 4.1 trillion dollars they have donated has done a lot of good. They might be doing it to further a good image, or create a good image, or hide a bad image. But it doesn't change the fact that they are helping people.
Now it is time to reverse. Rather than a selfish act doing good, let's examine a selfless act doing bad-- oh wait, that was my March '08. Not touching that with a ten foot pole.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

yes, it is funny.

now this next one, however is a bit more amazing to me. It is actually a perfect example of classic surrealism AND formism. It is a great mixture of the two. The two faces independently are formism; as the jewels decorate them, and the hairline turns into a single form. The neck follows this same principle. the picture as a whole is surrealism, these three things are become on unified object. just as much surrealist work is praised for, this tattoo exemplifies uniformity and a sense of disjointedness.



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Alright, I'll bite.

Tools of our demise. their is an ancient idea that one must take what is his weakness and turn it into his sole desire. That basically translates into loving your flaws, and then using that to improve yourself and ultimately change for the better. Someone has taken the blog format and made it their own. The downfall, is the uprising. My downfall is not letting this go. I still believe that I am over it, now I am just evening the score a post for a post... yep, I probably should grow up.
I use this blog as a reflecting glass more than anything else. There is something about being able to read your own words, and knowing that others can read them as gospel.
Confused as to how these two fit together?
Let me bring you to a post that tells a story, well deeper story than any of my readers (save those who are my friends) know about.

Her blog
This is the post of a girl whom i used to live with. Things went sour for one reason... well, actually 6 reasons. However she and I only had control (together, as in we both controlled the situation) of only 1 of them. Of the others, she completely controlled one, while i completely controlled another 2.
I think it might interest you to read our posts right after the other. March is the month.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

conrad says:

It also occurred to me that I never answered in more detail your question as why good is better than bad.

I said it was definitional and that's true. It's true because 'good' and 'bad' are value terms, they refer to what is valuable, specifically, 'good' refers to what is valuable and what ought to be valued whereas 'bad' refers to what should not be valued. Therefore,

If that seems like just some semantic juggling, the only way to not make it seem like that is to actually take a stance on what is valuable and thus give good and bad a bit more cash value.

There are three and only three positions one can take:

1) there are somethings that are of intrinsic value, we call something 'good' if it either is something that has intrinsic value or was act such that it produces more intrinsic value and we call something bad if it either destroys intrinsic value or prevents the formation of intrinsic value.

2) there are intrinsic evils and something is good if it destroys the intrinsic evils or prevents the formation of more intrinsic evils; bad is something that encourages the growth of more intrinsic evil or prevented the destruction of intrinsic evil

3) there are both intrinsic values and intrinsic evils

I think Arthur Schopenhauer may have held--and been to the only one I know of to have ever held-- position (2). Positions (1) and (3) have been held by many though. I heavily lean towards (1).

Of course now one has to define what 'intrinsic value'.

One answer, which I am quite convinced is the right one, is human happiness where happiness is defined as having a virtuous character and pleasurable mental states where by pleasurable I mean every mental state we like: joy, excitement, exhilaration, feelings of familial, friendship, and romantic love, and above all, general tranquility. Virtues are what aide in our attaining and keeping such mental states.

If you ask me 'why are these mental states good? why do they have intrinsic value?' I don't have an answer other than, 'values are what we have to have to live and what make life worth living' which is compatible with other positions besides mine. Explanation has to bottom out somewhere and that somewhere is brute facts about what ultimately is of value.

I hope that's informative.

Monday, December 08, 2008


there is a discussion on the forum about how some wish to segregate the forum based on age. Actually having separate forums. Is it not the the point of a forum to diversify the view as much as healthily possible? I think that it is fine having old and you8ng alike.
Argent fan agrees, commenting on all the previous posters fear of perverts preying on the youth.
Yeah I noticed the same. I'm aware of the dangers surrounding them...
I don't particularly agree about the group splitting though.
It's healthy to have young folks around... at least that's what I feel.... and it's healthy for young people to have wiser folks around...
...and from what I've witnessed on this forum...minors are much more mature than many adults here....

The Sarah Brightman forum has a tendency to get in fights with each other a lot, the adults on there are often easily offended.

term papers

Why do i write these things? nobody actually cares what i have to say.

Friday, December 05, 2008

as the days go by

things change with time. the rules of the world change-- a lot. Belonging to a certain forum, which has recently had a change in layout, I have been able to completely ignore posts by certain individuals. Really there is only one that person who i feel it is better for me to not read his posts. Due to this, I choose not to have his posts displayed on my screen when I visit the forum. The reason behind this is that he always posts negative comments.
Today, in a thread started several years ago, I saw three new posts, because I bumped it up two days ago from over a year ago. Well, I saw that one of them was from this individual. I decided to enable the viewing of it. And of course, it was a comment that did not pertain to the discussion, it was simply warning me about not discussing such controversial subjects, such as gay identity.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

in my heart

There exists... hatred.

couldn't have happened at a worse time

Guess what is plaguing me? Christmas shopping. Due to recent theatrical occurrences, I find myself with a rather large credit card bill, mostly because I had to take so much time off of work. Other expenses arose, and a long story made short: I am now wondering why Christmas is so expensive. I just don't know. I think that I will be ebaying a lot this year. I have ed's present all figured out, --
sorry, I realize that nobody actually wants read read all that crap.
I suppose the moral of the story is that as we humans ride this earth around the sun, we are bound by time. Due dates, holidays, rent, and 3 meals a day. All rule out lives.
Are you getting what I am saying? If we don't plan for these things, they are going to bite us in the ass.