Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Major Boobage!

We all know they're fake!
Save your money, it is not like a guy is going to say, "You know what? Your breasts are too small, I can't sleep with you. I'm going to go home alone." We just don't do that.
So, props to our girl Kira Knightly for being famous in Hollywood and having real breasts that are small.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

UPS again

I love using UPS. They are so kind in their stores, and they understand that I could just as easily use Fed-ex or another carrier. I am having something delivered my store, which is closed until the 5. They tried to deliver a package, but the sign on the door said closed till the fifth. I checked the tracking and it says that they will redeliver on the 6th. Awesome.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Pride is the worst of all the deadly sins. A "selfless act" can destroy all the other deadly sins, but not pride. Pride is the one sin you can't beat. What that means is that there is not such thing as a selfless act to pride. Everything you do is to win, all good that you do is for the greater glory of yourself.

I suppose that is only true to a certain point. It still does good for others. Recently I entered into a conversation with a friend. WE discussed the idea that Microsoft is a bad company that does good things. She stood her ground that they are so evil to all ends, while I said that the 4.1 trillion dollars they have donated has done a lot of good. They might be doing it to further a good image, or create a good image, or hide a bad image. But it doesn't change the fact that they are helping people.
Now it is time to reverse. Rather than a selfish act doing good, let's examine a selfless act doing bad-- oh wait, that was my March '08. Not touching that with a ten foot pole.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

yes, it is funny.

now this next one, however is a bit more amazing to me. It is actually a perfect example of classic surrealism AND formism. It is a great mixture of the two. The two faces independently are formism; as the jewels decorate them, and the hairline turns into a single form. The neck follows this same principle. the picture as a whole is surrealism, these three things are become on unified object. just as much surrealist work is praised for, this tattoo exemplifies uniformity and a sense of disjointedness.



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Alright, I'll bite.

Tools of our demise. their is an ancient idea that one must take what is his weakness and turn it into his sole desire. That basically translates into loving your flaws, and then using that to improve yourself and ultimately change for the better. Someone has taken the blog format and made it their own. The downfall, is the uprising. My downfall is not letting this go. I still believe that I am over it, now I am just evening the score a post for a post... yep, I probably should grow up.
I use this blog as a reflecting glass more than anything else. There is something about being able to read your own words, and knowing that others can read them as gospel.
Confused as to how these two fit together?
Let me bring you to a post that tells a story, well deeper story than any of my readers (save those who are my friends) know about.

Her blog
This is the post of a girl whom i used to live with. Things went sour for one reason... well, actually 6 reasons. However she and I only had control (together, as in we both controlled the situation) of only 1 of them. Of the others, she completely controlled one, while i completely controlled another 2.
I think it might interest you to read our posts right after the other. March is the month.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

conrad says:

It also occurred to me that I never answered in more detail your question as why good is better than bad.

I said it was definitional and that's true. It's true because 'good' and 'bad' are value terms, they refer to what is valuable, specifically, 'good' refers to what is valuable and what ought to be valued whereas 'bad' refers to what should not be valued. Therefore,

If that seems like just some semantic juggling, the only way to not make it seem like that is to actually take a stance on what is valuable and thus give good and bad a bit more cash value.

There are three and only three positions one can take:

1) there are somethings that are of intrinsic value, we call something 'good' if it either is something that has intrinsic value or was act such that it produces more intrinsic value and we call something bad if it either destroys intrinsic value or prevents the formation of intrinsic value.

2) there are intrinsic evils and something is good if it destroys the intrinsic evils or prevents the formation of more intrinsic evils; bad is something that encourages the growth of more intrinsic evil or prevented the destruction of intrinsic evil

3) there are both intrinsic values and intrinsic evils

I think Arthur Schopenhauer may have held--and been to the only one I know of to have ever held-- position (2). Positions (1) and (3) have been held by many though. I heavily lean towards (1).

Of course now one has to define what 'intrinsic value'.

One answer, which I am quite convinced is the right one, is human happiness where happiness is defined as having a virtuous character and pleasurable mental states where by pleasurable I mean every mental state we like: joy, excitement, exhilaration, feelings of familial, friendship, and romantic love, and above all, general tranquility. Virtues are what aide in our attaining and keeping such mental states.

If you ask me 'why are these mental states good? why do they have intrinsic value?' I don't have an answer other than, 'values are what we have to have to live and what make life worth living' which is compatible with other positions besides mine. Explanation has to bottom out somewhere and that somewhere is brute facts about what ultimately is of value.

I hope that's informative.

Monday, December 08, 2008


there is a discussion on the forum about how some wish to segregate the forum based on age. Actually having separate forums. Is it not the the point of a forum to diversify the view as much as healthily possible? I think that it is fine having old and you8ng alike.
Argent fan agrees, commenting on all the previous posters fear of perverts preying on the youth.
Yeah I noticed the same. I'm aware of the dangers surrounding them...
I don't particularly agree about the group splitting though.
It's healthy to have young folks around... at least that's what I feel.... and it's healthy for young people to have wiser folks around...
...and from what I've witnessed on this forum...minors are much more mature than many adults here....

The Sarah Brightman forum has a tendency to get in fights with each other a lot, the adults on there are often easily offended.

term papers

Why do i write these things? nobody actually cares what i have to say.

Friday, December 05, 2008

as the days go by

things change with time. the rules of the world change-- a lot. Belonging to a certain forum, which has recently had a change in layout, I have been able to completely ignore posts by certain individuals. Really there is only one that person who i feel it is better for me to not read his posts. Due to this, I choose not to have his posts displayed on my screen when I visit the forum. The reason behind this is that he always posts negative comments.
Today, in a thread started several years ago, I saw three new posts, because I bumped it up two days ago from over a year ago. Well, I saw that one of them was from this individual. I decided to enable the viewing of it. And of course, it was a comment that did not pertain to the discussion, it was simply warning me about not discussing such controversial subjects, such as gay identity.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

in my heart

There exists... hatred.

couldn't have happened at a worse time

Guess what is plaguing me? Christmas shopping. Due to recent theatrical occurrences, I find myself with a rather large credit card bill, mostly because I had to take so much time off of work. Other expenses arose, and a long story made short: I am now wondering why Christmas is so expensive. I just don't know. I think that I will be ebaying a lot this year. I have ed's present all figured out, --
sorry, I realize that nobody actually wants read read all that crap.
I suppose the moral of the story is that as we humans ride this earth around the sun, we are bound by time. Due dates, holidays, rent, and 3 meals a day. All rule out lives.
Are you getting what I am saying? If we don't plan for these things, they are going to bite us in the ass.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


A faggot is a gay gentleman who has just left the room.
Sad, isn't it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I have the worst class schedule ever...

Monday, November 24, 2008


You can Laugh or you can cry, but you can't ignore it.

Friendship often blooms into Love, but love into friendship is a withering flower.

Comedy is comedy, and Tragedy: Tragedy. never the tween shall meet.

Now, I actually wrote one of these. But all are credited to minds greater than my own. Two credited to Shakespeare, one credited to some Machiavelli. Can you guess which it is?

gauntlet thrown down

And, I'm done being so nice. I see all the crap that your putting up,and it might work on others. But ti it not going to work on me. I am done trying to care, and now I don't.

Friday, November 21, 2008

To Tyler

My advice to you, dear, is not to skip friday morning classes to cheer on that little swimmer boyfriend of yours.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

sounds fun

I think I would like to honk and wave at random strangers to see if they will pretend to know me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I hate it when a long lost friend turns out to be a douchebag.


snap. into your folder, with your name.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I have decided to try.
Moral: Take a risk, especially if you have nothing to loose. Why just wait around and hope that good things happen. Try hard, and hope for the best. Aim for the best results, and cross your fingers.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


you all know that his blog is not really about me. Well, it is, but it is about the readers. Point is, I saw this play, Pangea, at the Drake. it was pretty decent. The Dispatch didnt care for it. Conrad is coming around to liking it, I enjoyed it, becaseu I had more incite into it, having spoken to the dramatic team. Josh, he enjoyed the science of it.


Something amazing happened yesterday: I saw a banner add on a download site. I own a video game and a PlayStation (the legend of dragoon), however I wish to play the game on my computer. So, I downloaded an emulator and wish to use an ISO file rather than the original game disks (i hate load times). I found a copy of the disk as an ISO image on a website that hosts these illegal files. It is not illegal for me to download the game, because I own the actual Cd's. But many people are downloading illegally. Guess who the banner ad was?
The US Army.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beer I like

In no specific order:
other bitter things...

the room

when I was younger, actually when I was in second grade (7 or 8), there was a room that I used to often find myself in. I never knew why I was there, just that i was supposed to go there once a week, sometimes twice. In retrospect, I still am not sure why I was there. It wasn't a gifted class or anything like that, I think t might have something to do with my parents divorce. I never really asked. I just assume that based on the timing. I never really fully addressed this issue, my parents divorce, and its affects on me. I am a pretty well balanced person, really, I am... until I was in my junior year of high school I was seeing a counselor about it, but that was mostly just out of habit.
I am once again seeing a councilor, but for different reasons...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

run on

you might run on for a long time
run on, ducking and dodging
run on, children, for a long time
let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I recently found myself on facebook, and wandering through my art i posted. I used to be artistic in a different way. IN a way that you can't really touch. Now everything is way more real and More tangible. It is great to look back and see how much you have grown. My advice to everyone is to occasionally look back at their lives and to see how they have changed, but be aware that it isn't all good. Somethings you see are not going to make you smile. But hopefully those are far between.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

The armor is complete

The armor is done, now all that have to do is to put the pieces together...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


If you go to a bank and pay off the loan that a company has with the bank, do you own the club?

Charming, isn't it?

I feel pretty oh so pretty...
but seriously-- I am about to scream.
SCREAM! now I am watching Charmed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

feel better now

I feel a great deal better now that i have picked some dates for hanging, focusing, and programing. Pheww...

the revolution will not be televised

The above video documents the overthrow of a President by the rich sector of a population. It is funny how this small group of people could do such a huge thing. We hear of small groups doing massive things, and we hope that it is a great victory towards humanity. But the reality is far less romantic, especially in this case. These people stepped on their "fellow" citizens for oil money. Kinda funny how oil is always at the bottom of these problems. I believe that I live in a country that I should not have to worry about this, a coup d'etate. But you never know.
The most frightening of all aspects of this video is the media. There is no such thing as an unbiased media in this country. Apparently there is 5 companies that own all the media, and they control the flow of information. The reason this is so dangerous is due the fact that US citizens live in democracy were we assume that there si a free flow of information. not so much.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

guitar QUEERO

Yep, i am one of those people. I just beat easy mode, and I am off to medium mode. It only took 2 months! keep in mind that i only play it at josh's house and that I spent a lot of the time playing with him, especially in the beginning. My poor little pinkie.
Mark doesn't care for video games, josh only cares because i do, and my mom is hopelessly lost with a controller in her hands. I had her over a while ago to play it and for dinner, it went well. But she didn't do to well at the game.

moral: if you play hard, you'll get better. Play too hard and your little pinkie will hurt...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Channeling emotion

In west side story, there is a brief moment were the reason the boys must fight is explained, it is too get rid of all the extra feeling they feel, and once they rumble they feel so healthy. Odd.
In my life, I am confronted with many tasks, most of the ones for school are not very therapeutic, so I found myself making armor today. Interesting.
I need to buy a serious amount of Elmer's glue today, I need it for my armor. But, I think it is going to look great.
I will soon have the spray paint for the sword, that will take a day to spray, then the next day I will detail it. Then the sword will be done.
The wings are out of my hands, so I can only trust they will be done on time.
The armor is my biggest challenge.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

baby elephant walk

I can always depend on a few things to cheer me up. Music is a great thing. One song that I can't ever make it through without whistling along is "Baby Elephant Walk" by Mancini.
I made some art today. Like all the other emo people do when they are sad. Although I am not emo, I am just sensitive. Yes, some of you might be asking what is the difference? Simple answer, emo kids have more money than I do. Seriously, all that emo gear is not cheap.
I am going out tonight, with josh. Then tomorrow I begin with my counseling and then classes. Things are working in circles, slow circles.
Think hard about that.


information is power. You don't deserve it, as a reader, you get information in a Plato-kinda way. Plato had this idea about stuff being a copy of some original.


You know what makes people photogenic? It is depth. Humans can see depth, because they have two eyes. But a camera only sees from one angle, with one eye. It is this difference that makes people photgenic or not.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The forum

I am back on the forum, and it is funny the stuff that comes up on a private forum. People will say things that they wouldn't say on a public forum.

Looking over a weary shoulder, counting the sunsets this midsummers day, my mind wandered. Missed opportunities, lost loves, turning points in ones life, different goals, I pondered how many times, and with how many different people I'd fallen in love with.

Yes, I believe you can fall in love with more than one person in a lifetime, real love, that carries obsessional and passionate thougts and feelings, caring and thoughtful, really in love.

I thought, and counted six people I'd fallen in love with, some interupted by tragedy, others by my stupidity, and youthful foolishness, wanderlust and immaturity. I did in fact miss opportunities for love, and yes I fell in love with more than one person at the same time. I think that this is natural, and can happen to anyone,,,,,,,?

Discontented by the thought of monogomy,,,,,,no. I wanted marriage, and no, not a polygamy by nature fanatic, just a bunch of circumstances, that deprived me of experiences some people in my age group share w/one person for a lifetime.

Do people fall in love with more than one person in a lifetime, and is it possible to truly be in love with more than one person at one time. I think yes, I was wondering what you thought,,,,,,,

Jerry C.

I am not one to love, especially to admit that I might love. I none the less answered his post with one of my own.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Turok is broken! Now what am I supposed to shoot at?

Too Far

I dug too deep recently. You can see the post about it below someplace. I suppose that in retrospect, the beauty of the situation is that I am more of an island than I ever intended. I crave social interaction. That will be my downfall. I have taken extreme measures to find out what I know. And it has cost me. More my integrity than anything else.
I arte requestare un amigo a put elle occupado en elle linne. Caused matto dmittare a mia reputino, e tatte a marnea sippe.
I just wish it could go away. You have no idea what I would give for it to just... be gone.

Figlio Perduto

There is a legend of a lost child in the woods. Separated from a human father and taken away by a Elvin king.

This song was put into an operatic piece, and used as the theme for the Movie "The Fall". It plays once at the beginning of the movie and once at the end.
So sad...
The movie is amazing and beautiful.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chalk on the wall, dirt under the nails

I have seena lot of things in my life, I mena more than the average 22 year old white male. Many 22 year olds are more experienced in certain things, less in other things (which I happen to excel in).
I suppose that I should be more to the point. because of what I do in my life, I have access to a lot of information. And information is power. I have hunted down and scoped out more information as of late. And i know something that I didn't want to see.

I needed to STOP DIGGING AROUND! I knew I might not like what I found. I should have just backed off, and stopped asking questions. I was getting close to a secret that I couldn't handle. Should have let it go.

I just couldn't let it go.

Friday, October 10, 2008

would not come

If I am masculine I will be taken more seriously
If I take a break it would make me irresponsible
If I'm elusive I will surely be sought after often
If I need assistance then I must be incapable
And Still it would not come
--Alanis Morissette

Up so early.

I believe the below says it all.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

In my Fantasy

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro,
Li anche la notte è meno oscura.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano.
Pien' d'umanità.

Nella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,
Che soffia sulle città, come amico.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

Dangerous, again

I am returning to facebook. For there is no longer anything hiding from me. The guilty party has come forward. And Will be accepting punishment sometime down the road. Hopefully sooner than later.

Monday, October 06, 2008


Facebook is dangerous. I am going to go dormant for a while. Please don't' think that this has anything to do with any third party personnel, it is an internal thing. Ask details if you must, but I am sure that when someone omits certain information... they are guilty of crimes most heinous.
I suppose that the lesson to be learned here is that sometimes silence speaks louder than words can. Just repeat that slowly, it isn't as lame as it sounds.

early again

I am back to waking up at 6 or 7 in the morning to do classwork... yippee.

Oedipus Tyrannos

This is probably my new second favorite play of all time. It is really good. I mean the plot line sounds boring and crappy, but once you read it, it all meshes together so well. Anyway... good play, all should read it.
Moral: there is a reason why certain things are classics and are still being read today...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

the things we do

I cannot believe I am actually going to see a professional about my lack of lust... This sucks...

Edit: But, whatever... at least you know i am trying. I think that counts for something. I know your trying really hard too. And I understand that your attempts are pretty much at my request. So this is the least I owe you.

OK, but seriously

What does it take to get an A in this class...
I am not going to kiss anymore ass right now. I already have a mouth full of ass from my Censorship class...
Sign Language is going to be far more difficult that I anticipated, also. So lord help me...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Eagle Eye

A fun film with little merit if you have more than half a brain and can see futurism where creators and directors failed to realize what they were making. The film itself is a great time, lots of stuff exploding and it has "my boy" in it as the lead. josh knows who I mean. Anyway. The reason why I decide to post this tonight basically boils down to: fate brings people together. I saw a couple tonight at work who met in line for coffee. They are only dating, but you never know if they will make it all the way to gettin' hitched.
In the movie, the two lead characters are not brought together by fate, but by a crazy computer that controls almost everything. In the end they become close(?) friends.
Moral of the story: I am tired and don't want to write my paper.
Moral of that addition: Never be surprised if what you are reading looks like it might hold some merit, but is nothing more than mindless dribble.

Friday, October 03, 2008


I am upgrading to vista.
From there. I will not install Boinc. I will test each part in this order.
Removal of Raid_1 for primary HDD, converted into a single Hard disk that will have a c:/Feresh files folder. Not a partition.
I will move my audio card down so that I am sure it receives enough airflow.
I can expect all this to cut the power requirements by 40 watts.
Everything will be set to default, and I will not be overclocking for a few weeks.
Motherboard monitor 5, is all that i will using for monitoring my computer. Process explorer is probably not going to happen...
But I just don't understand.


this is how vista works: oem sales are based on a one time install... or at least a one motherboard install. in order to get around that, you must claim that it is a replacement based on a warranty.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Mysteries of the Organism

it's impressionism.

Begin the tests

I have made it through the night. I will start up trillian again. I will also be runing the indexer, as that is very unlikely to cause the freeze.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The hardest part

The most difficult of things that I have had to do recently would be to maintain my cool. I have been having trouble with my computer. And it seems that I have possibly found the solution... it can only be a few things: or so I feel. I will be testing them in this order: Trillian, the index engine of my computer, a osi drive emulator, Boinc, process explorer, a ram monitor, and a temperature monitor. Most likely it is the Boinc or the iso emulator...

Moral of the story: If you must suffer, and most suffer alone, at least try and strategically end your suffering. Do it in a calm way that will result in the least amount of damage, be swift and do not drag it all out.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The exact reason for the ticking of people is a mystery to me. I don't pretend to know who everyone around me is. Of course I know a bit about all of them, but none of them do I understand completely. For example there are three people that have recently started to visit me at work very often.
The first is an old friend who has recently returned to America. Little has changed between she and I, and that is good.
The second is a gentleman who has come to the store for quite some time. Things have recently become different when I saw another side of him, outside of his mother and father.
The third is a new face, who I am still very confused about. The funniest thing is, I know so little about any of them, especially this last one.
I mean I know what they do for a living and all that, and I know a great deal about there dietary habits, even outside of ice cream. But they are still almost strangers to me.
Moral: People will always show you anew face if you let them. Brush of the unpleasant details and get to the heart of the person, from here you can decide where you fall.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

not again...

Ann killed another computer...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seth Mcfarlane

Seriously, he is hot. I might do him. I suppose it is because he is so odd... or because he voices a character that drinks about as intolerably as I do. I relate best with the character of Brian. And since my brain works on a very transitive basis, I have grown to approve of Seth. Tada!
... But seriously, he is fuckin hot.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fighting on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win your still retarded.

F.E.A.R. Extraction Point

not really too scary, but what can one expect from the second instalment of a game. The third chapter should be amazing.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


14 Gauge galvanized aluminium wire is what I need for my wings. got it.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

on the last post

The last post is why I don't have pets, they always up and die...
just kidding...


When I was a boy, I had a favourite story
Of the meadowlark who lived where the rivers wind
Her voice could match the angels' in its glory,
But she was blind,
The lark was blind.

the king of the rivers took her to his palace,
Where the walls were burnished bronze and golden braid,
And he fed her fruit and nuts from an ivory chalice and he prayed

"Sing for me, my meadowlark
Sing for me of the silver morning.
Set me free, my meadowlark
And I'll buy you a priceless jewel,
And cloth of brocade and crewel,
And I'll love you for life if you will
Sing for me."

Than one day as the lark sang by the water
The god of the sun heard her in his flight
And her singing moved him so, he came and brought her
The gift of sight,
He gave her sight.
And she opened her eyes to the shimmer and the splendour
Of this beautiful young god, so proud and strong
And he called to the lark in a voice both rough and tender,
"Come along,

Fly with me, my meadowlark,
Fly with me on the silver morning.
Past the sea where the dolphins bark,
We will dance on the coral beaches,
Make a feast of the plums and peaches,
Just as far as your vision reaches,
Fly with me."

But the meadowlark said no,
For the old king loved her so,
She couldn't bear to wound his pride.
So the sun god flew away and when the king came down that day,
He found his meadowlark had died.
Every time I heard that part I cried.

And now I stand here, starry-eyed and stormy.
Oh, just when I thought my heart was finally numb,
A beautiful young man appears before me
Singing "Come
Oh, won't you come?"
And what can I do if finally for the first time
The one I'm burning for returns the glow?
If love has come at last it's picked the worst time
Still I know
I've got to go.

Fly away, meadowlark.
Fly away in the silver morning.
If I stay, I'll grow to curse the dark,
So it's off where the days won't bind me.
I know I leave wounds behind me,
But I won't let tomorrow find me
Back this way.

Before my past once again can blind me,
Fly away.

And we won't wait to say goodbye,
My beautiful young man and I.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

select few

Gepoon deppen, totte le flame mutol. Non ette balere. Seme me gormisimo e potulaisimo con tumi. Forever Again. Wish I could learn something from these experiences: I hate them all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


is .2 gHz worth 200 bones? I don't think so. Same cache, same FSB, but $200 more for .17 Ghz faster. I can overclock that for free...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boo Radley

Neighbors bring food with death, flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor, he gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife, and our lives.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I woke alone in the woods, but I felt that i was with company. I hurried this way and that, but I knew they were still with me where ever I went. And I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, one as sweet as the other.

Monday, August 18, 2008

pooh bear

Should you live for 100 years more, I hope i live for 100 years minus a day, so that i never have to live without you.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

living ona dream

It is amazing what people can do, as far as allowing themselves to keep hope. Hoping that somewhere out there,there is someone still loving them. I am referring to a couple that i know, on opposite sides of the world. They have maintained a love for so long, and the time for them to be rejoined is coming closer. I congratulate them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


that was the last time the rainbow puke website was updated... so I have little hope of my rainbow art making it online.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 is a website where you can download a ton of audiobooks. It really is pretty cool.

Monday, August 11, 2008


what the heck? these phones are very similar, josh... but in my opinion you should go with the 8330-- for two reasons. First, you already have the case... and secondly, stereo bluetooth and headphone jack. Sounds like a good combo to me.
Now, what about your old phone? if Wendys is only allowing you to use the new phone for work, then you you will have two of the exact same phone... that might get confusing. So if that is the case, you should get the 8830.

Serebro - Song.1

AIDS sucks...

Or should I say that it blows?

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008


There are a lot of famous people in this skit. That just proves that everyone must have a silly side: Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Cameron Diaz, Joan Jett, Macy Gray, Robin Williams, Don Cheadle, Pete Wentz, Perry Farrell, Benji and Joel Madden, Lance Bass, Huey Lewis, Josh Groban, McLovin, Meatloaf, and former announcer and Mighty Mighty Bosstones frontman Dicky Barrett.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die


See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I feel kinda bad

I feel kinda bad about something. I am not going to tell you what it is, that is not the point of this post. I am posting tonight to state that there is plenty for me to feel bad about. Certain people, should they read this, will think certain things while others think it is about a completely different thing. I am not a bad person, I just make mistakes. But I take the fall for my own behavior, I am not one to push blame onto others, just as it is rare for me to take the blame for others. So, if anyone is reading this, and feels like I have something to feel bad about; tell me. But please, keep it to things where i have wronged you, not others.

Monday, August 04, 2008

On New York

I went out to New York this past week. 90% of the time i was not in the air conditioning. It was really hot there, and I was drinking about 3 liters of water each day, usually about a liter and a half while out walking, a liter throughout the night, because it was so hot, and the rest with meals. I was very lucky to have this time with my family, but it is nice to be back. I need to work my tail off to not stay in the black.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008


Are you serious? He is a homo? I always thought that he was a little odd. But, gay. He really is. It is a small world.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

talk about solid.

The argument is not against "gay" marriage.

It's against alternative definitions to marriage.

We already define marriage in a moral sense.

You cannot marry more than one person.

You cannot marry before you are both 18.

You cannot marry your horse, house or elbow.

"Gay marriage" is a new idea. Previously, gays cohabitated, just like heterosexual couples. Now, this is used as an attack on marriage.

"Marriage" is not a union open to gays, anymore than the "Boys" room is open to girls.
7 months ago

The Seventh Seal

uhm, ann... I am not sure i really liked this movie.

the christ child and mary

You mean you don't believe me? But it was real just the same, not the kind of reality you see, but the kind that you sense with your heart. But it's still true.

i am

so not liquid.

surrealism vs formism (and a touch of cubism)

a brief summery for those who have seen Hellboy 2 with me:
Surrealism is when things become other things, the art is filled with visuals, all of which are very compelling and unstoppable in their transformations from one object to another.
Formism is when something is something else. There are not transformations, and visual are equally powerful, but they are stable.
Many people misunderstand there's two, and they try to call everything surrealism, simply because that term is more popular.
Now, cubism (as it related to my term paper) is an entirely different matter, where one thing is taken apart into pieces, and every angle of it is viewed simultaneously. it is much harder to understand, because it gives you the entire picture at one time.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

salt flats

I found myself in the salt flats. I was laying down with chest up towards the sky and my head was looking to toward my right. There was a rope that attached me to him, but it wasn't like any other rope, it was a very rigid, almost as if it was a pole or rod, but it was indeed a rope. It was exactly 60 feet long.
SO, I found myself staring down this rope at him, and he had the audacity to taunt me. So, using the rope to my advantage, I began to roll my head toward the left, and picked him up right of the ground, I ripped him through the air and slammed him into the ground on my left. Then I found myself as the him, laying in the salt flats also, and angered by all of this, I picked him up and held him in the air, directly above me, just letting him dangle there, then i brought him down toward the ground, but stopped before he reached it. Just let him hang there, ten feet above the ground.

Ever felt like you are just fighting yourself?

Monday, July 07, 2008

Damage pottential

I find it funny how badly people can break things. I have no idea, well at least not an absolute idea, of what is wrong with Ann's computer. I think it is the button on the front, others are clueless as well. But the funny thing is, I am halfway on the way to fixing it. I am not halfway there, just halfway on the way.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

hiding behind a smile

I just posted on the OS something very inflammatory. Basically I said that since more people die from falls than from war, liberals should replace their anti-war stickers with anti skyscraper stickers. But I am safe, I put two smileys int he message.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mark Curls

hahah! Love it. This is the guy that helped my ass sober up a while ago. I am sure that i blogged about it previously, but I can't remember when. So, I talked to him this weekend and we exchanged number again. Well, turns out that he and I had a lovely conversation tonight. Lovely. He is a great guy. I will have to fuck him--
just kidding.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

not a cry... not somebody's who's seen the light.

I will admit that i have made mistakes, and that many people have suffered because of them, but none more than myself. That is not meant to sound cocky, but it is the truth. I take responsibility for my actions, and my success. I stood on the shoulders of giants once, and it was scary, but I made it. I thank them for that, but that was not good enough. But when I fall, it is epic failure that is soley mine to bare. Ia m alone in the end.

There is a contradicting idea out there, about death, none the less. One side says that no creature dies alone, as we are all with god in that moment. and the opposing says that everything must die by itself, being understood by none.

magick chord

faith was strong, but needed proof.
beauty in the moonlight, tied me to the kitchen chair, and from my lips drew the hallelujah.
I've been here before, used to live alone before i knew you. love is not a victory march, cold and broken hallelujah.
Let me know what's real and going on. Remember when I moved in you, every breath we drew was hallelujah.
t6here's a God above and all we learned from love was a cry you can hear, not somebody who has seen the light.

Guy at Axis IV

Back on January 29th I wrote about a guy named Joel Field. He was wearing blue underwear. I saw him at pride at Axis this weekend, wearing black underwear with a blue stripe. That is all...

Monday, June 30, 2008


what does it mean if someone texts you, telling you that they just left the gym?

the bleeding

When I get stressed out... The blood just comes.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I can't believe that a friend I haven't spoken to on the phone in over half a year has chosen to masturbate rather than answer my phone call. And then he tells me to hold on till he finishes.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

not so far away

This stripper guy wanted me. Or at least wanted my money, till i called him out on being on the payroll.
I suppose I should be complimented? Or maybe not. It was rather interesting how it happened, mostly because there was an immediate destruction of the illusion. But he was nice enough. And one thing I learned that night, is that being nice to people does pay off. It paid off as soon as I got to axis.

I don't want to divulge any more details, because it is just going to make me sound trashy, but my closing thought is this:

Don't be rude to someone just because they are ugly. Often times "ugly" people are just as nice as everyone else. And also, don't be mean to hot people, often times hot people are just as nice as everyone else.

Friday, June 27, 2008

mark is right

he is correct. Pride and Comfest should not be on the same weekend. Naturally you would expect the larger event to take priority. But, pride is the same weekend nationally, Comfest is a Columbus thing. So, should Comfest move for pride or vise-versa? Mark feels that Pride, since national, should take priority. Most straight people feel Comfest should. Does Mark feel this because of him being gay? or does he genuinely feel that Pride is a national phenomena?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflection on the system

The system works. it has worked for years and years and years. But it changes the people involved. Suddenly they are all hard... little pieces of them have died inside. as they hurt in and out, scratching out the days on the wall.

Monday, June 16, 2008

odd bag of emotions (at 2:30 am)

I try to not be pissed.
But, realizing that i have no right to be. And it all makes sense. I see what you have been hiding from me for so long. That you lied and hid it from me for months, and then kept cloaked in vagueness until yesterday. You still haven't told me, because you don't think I should know, I found out all by myself and hundreds of miles didn't hide it any better than 5 blocks would have. But, do not think that I am going to hold you up longer. I shall let you float... so very gently away.

But, I can not keep you from calling back to me. I am not sure how I will respond, with anger or with love. Foe now; this explains silence. For future, I tell you lovingly to fuck off.


It is way harder to kill dinosaurs when you are drunk. I swear, didn't think that martini(s) had that much of a punch.

Friday, June 13, 2008

so popular...

i have given two interviews over the past week, one appeared on national news (Fox news) and the other is a podcast for Columbus food. The funny thing is, and I am realizing this now, the interviewers completely changed what i said to make me fit their story/motive. They original dialogue is so horribly chopped and hacked up that it makes me sound like I have a completely different motive.
So, my advice, decline to be interviewed.

skip to 14 mins for my interview.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Odd to admit this...

but that Miley Cyrus has a half decent voice. I say half decent because I assume that there is a lot of audio FX going on with the music...
But that song "See You Again" isn't bad. At least the remixes I hear.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

interesting comparison

That is so Gay!
That is so Black!

One of these is perfectly acceptable, the other will get you kicked in the teeth.


I don't think that gays should have to serve in the military. Women should be drafted before gays, because the heads of the country do more to support them. The guys signing the war papers support women more than they support gay men. Don't believe me?
What freedoms to gays have than women don't? I am only going to discuss the one that is on my mind now, I am sure I could come up with others if this did not preoccupy me so. Marriage.
Straight guys bitch about how if they have to die for their country, they should be able to buy a six pack for their country-- this complaint only lasts for three years, between ages 18 when they are eligible for draft and 21 when they can buy alcohol. Gay men have can complain for 8 years, until they are 26 and ineligible for the draft. But, they still complain afterward... because their problem still exists.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Veritus Clatta

Anche depo il Combitteroa. Sees intersting, ma, tia blet cept itss.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


I saw a noodle today. She was very warm from the walk, but I gave her some ice cream and she was very happy to see me. I knew right away that she recognized me. But the funny thing is, she would not listen to Kate when Kate wanted her to go. But all it took was me guiding her up/out of the corner to send her on her way. Funny how dogs can remember you after a long(ish) time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

still here

I am still here, and I am doing alright.
I suppose I owe you an update. Funny how I assign you an update...
Anyway, I suppose I should begin where I left off, with reflecting on what I see.
I see "shiny" things all around me, but I know that many of them are simply gilded shit. There is little below the surface.
Now, as far as the specifics of this life. I am listening to a lot more music, especially because there are some halfway decent speakers at work now. I recently had an interesting conversation with someone about music. They claim to be alright with every type of music, but they are of the opinion that techno should stop existing. So, they are obviously not tolerant of everything. I don't understand why people don't just say that they only like certain types of music.
On another note:
Sapphire Martini, up, three olives. I am not alone in this!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008


**This post include specific code words used to mean multiple things, therefore viewing each sentence as relative to the those surrounding it is not advised.**

Relatively speaking, I am happier than I have been in a long time, because I have freed myself of a load that has been on my mind for well over a month and a half. I saw something today that lead to me smiling. And it was not that I was happy with what I saw, but more so I was happy to see it. I am glad that ed and I had the impression that he hoped we would. I am glad I could do that for him.
But that was last night, and time moves in only one direction-- directly in one direction. Today I saw something very similar walk by my store. I saw a pair of eyes look so distantly toward high street, avoiding the temptation to look into my store.
And so, as I stared right at her, preparing to wave friendly if she looked in, I realized that she is trying to create a new life for herself, which can include very limited things from her old life. I did not look in the same way as she crossed back in front of my store the second time. I just gave her the space she requested, even though she would have never known if I was mentally hovering six inches away from her.
So, I feel better. At least like I have an understanding a bit more for her inexcusable actions. Perhaps there is a certain magic in these inane ramblings, all of which uncover a bit more of my own feelings-- things that are not child's game.

Guy at Axis III

Back on January 29th I wrote about a guy named Joel Field. Well, I bumped into him again last night. Nice guy, really. I didn't know where I knew him from at first, but I figured it out.
I really don't think there is much else to say.

Friday, May 02, 2008

back to 32 bit

I have returned to 32 bit windows XP. I like it better.

lymph nodes

Do you know what the lymph nodes do? they act as filters for the blood. Basically, if you have an infection (bacterial) they catch the bacteria. They also trap an foreign crud in your blood, which often enters through an open wound. Now, cocoa powder is very messy, and my neck feel like it is going to burst now... let's do some math...
Anyway, I hope that it goes away soon. I can hardly swallow.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

palm... was great while it lasted

I still love my palm pilot, Leopold. But now that palm sucks as a company, they don't have 64 bit drivers... I am not able to link it to my computer. All the crazy loops that i have tried to jump through have been to no avail.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

it could have been different

My freshman year of college I was paired with two guys as roommates. I feel that if I had been paired with only one, i could have easily survived a bit better. One on one, I am a fun guy, and I can make straight guys feel comfortable, by being just a normal guy. But it seems that when those two were together, things were different. They seemed to play off of each other's fear, and add to the discomfort.

SO, the lesson: deviant people should not surround themselves, simply one on one.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Good hopes

I was not lied to, but I hear so many different stories that others suffer. THe conclusion; they are all false.

For hunger or drugs...

Volodya, you were too young.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

to what point and purpose?

i was on dlist recently, and it turns out that someone has unlocked some pictures for me to view. But, the question is, why?
I really am not sure why I wanted to see the pics. I didn't request, but I checked. Turns out that the pictures aren't nearly as bad as I expected. But, I was still disheartened by what I read from others; as far as comments are concerned. I didn't comment.
Now, another thing that I am thinking.
I am not sure that Alain is a real person. Obviously there is someone there, but am not sure that the character Alain matches the profile Alain. I think it is just some guy bored with his life so he created an extra person. I have heard of this being done before...
Plus, he isn't a verified member...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

mime teacher

Gregg Goldston. He is kinda a big deal.

so fucked up...

get this.
I am writing a paper for Tony's class about light and the color choices that go along with it. Well, the first dramatic lighting I saw in college was at a showing of the ballet "Firebird" and I make references to it as my first lighting experience of merit. Well, the irony is that the person who accompanied me to it was Page... odd how life ties these things up so nicely.


I saw a pre-op come into my store today, I waited on her. That is what she is, a her. Sexual identity and sexual orientation are two different things. There is a stereotype of gay men becoming women. That is not true. Many women also go through the procedure. They are just less noticed. It is not uncommon for a girl to put on boy's clothes, but somehow it is degrading for a man to put on a woman's outfit.
There is a short passage called "Skins" about this subject. I wish I could recall the source. It states that one person should be able to put on the skin of another. It makes little sense at some points, but that is the basic concept. It is not until you see this for yourself that you can understand. There is nothing wrong, well, nothing that concerns you or I. A person on the outside should not judge.
Now, the way that the meeting went was uneventful. I used no gender specific things, such as sir or ma'am. I simply was myself, and made no comments. I knew at the first moment that a word was uttered, but I wasn't sure until I saw the hands at the register. She paid in cash, almost a dead giveaway...


I move in just a few days... only a few days.
But, I was shocked that people are shocked that I wanted to bring home a pint of ice cream for Page. She likes Lavender, and we finally made a flavor that is just straight up lavender, without the cranberry. I figured i would bring some home, and I would have, but I forgot. Plus I didn't ask Stan or Denise if it was OK. I will remember tomorrow.
There is a thing called "the Welder's Rose" it is a rose and stem made of sheet metal. It has very sharp corners and easily draws blood.
My friend (who hasn't told everyone else yet, so he is not going to be named until he has done so) was broken up with today over the phone. I am glad that I am here for him. Even though I am only on the phone, I like to think that i can be (at least) a distraction for him.
There is blood all over my class schedule. I was very stressed out the other day, to the point that it actually made me bleed spontaneously.


Reflections on Bryce.

Bryce is the name of the guy that Justin, who is Josh's ex, is dating. He is a theatre grad student, and seems very nice. I don't remember much about him other than he is really nice.
Oh, and he wears glasses.

Friday, March 28, 2008

on napping

Napping makes you more tired. I am exhausted now, and now I am getting ready to head out with Conrad for "Stomp". It should be fun.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On April 1st there will be a new online show called, Gayborhood.
I don't really understand what the point of it is. Obviously it is filled with gay people and other shit... but what is the purpose of this show?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


please donate, kevin is poor.

Monday, March 24, 2008

another dream

I had a dream where my eyes were sealed shut, except for just a small amount. I had to strain to see anything and it was all blurry. But I realized what it translates to: I am having trouble seeing another perspective. That is obvious.

shopping with my mother

wasn't too bad. Even though she and I have completely different shopping patterns. I decide what I want to eat and shop to cook those meals. She goes and sees what is on sale and then plans the meals on the spot. The advantage of my way is that you spend a relatively predictable amount of money. The advantage of her way is that you eat more diversely. I am currently sitting here eating a green pear, and my mother just asked if I want some scrambled eggs.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Strange dream

In my dream, my speakers still worked, but the little controller display didn't. I had new sheets, both were red jersey fabric. I was trying to wash them, and I just threw the entire ordeal into the washing machine.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am here and now.
I keep on seeing more of myself.
Even surprises that i didn't see. My oh my.
Even something like the title of this blog.
Kevin Anon
look at the vowels, all outlined by their brackets.
no repeats, and every other letter.
Three repeats, all in a row...
couldn't have planned it better if I tried. Never better.

It is good news

I must admit, I have under reacted to Ann's good news. So-- cool.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On raison

I recieved an email titled "A RAISON A SEASON OR A LIFETIME" it is meant to say a REASON, but whatever.

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I think that the post a few days ago deserves and explanation.
Naturalism is characterized by an underdog being present and showing the world from their view. In plays such as Theres Raquin, characters find themselves locked into a world everything is super ordinary, that means very vanilla, not super-normal.


Double, double, switch, switch.
Double, Double, hearty, hearty.
Double, double, switch, don't forget to dance.

Pablo Picasso's Desire Caught by the Tail
Here is your tea: no cup, no saucer, no milk, no sugar, no water, no tea.

And Alice in Wonderland
The Duchess: If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.

I feel no need to explain any of it.

Monday, March 17, 2008


hi Page!
I see you watching!![wink]

reverse tracking

thank god for modern technology. I can now see the IP address of those who read my blog, and for those that don't know what that means:

Every time that you view my blog, there is a counter and recorder. It records what time and who viewed the web page. This wonderful technology is based on the exchange of what is called a cookie. There is nothing harmful done to the viewer's computer, nothing at all is left on there, all the information travels upstream to the main servers and trackers.

if I could just find out who
14.47.405.01 is... they have been watching rather closely lately.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

just berfore I head off to work

So, I see what you have tried to do.
I am on to you. I knew it would come to this, so I came prepared. I took every precaution to avoid your trap, and in the end. I win. I let you think I gave into your attempts, but You will see later that i am the one who controls the situation.

Moral: Don't assume that you are the pack leader, you usually are wrong. If you are the one that "pack leader" thinks is the "underdog", the illusion you provide is one of your most powerful attributes. Wink more.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2001: A space Odyssey --> sucks!

Even if you understand the futurism behind it, it still sucks. The shots are too long, and the ape scene is too -- how to say-- overly dramatic.


i am sure that you told me already, but i can't remember why you don't like my new friend. I don't think that he is slime. Just because he has one friend that is a shithead doesn't mean that he is, although i do value your opinion. Moore than most others. I just wish that you would remind me why you don't like him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We don't know what life is, yet we're still alive.
- a quote taken from The Mother by Witkacy


I ask myself why a lot. Especially when it concerns things I have chosen to do. I suppose that communication is a good thing. But last night was a rough time. I feel like a jerk now... but I am sort of glad that I said it, because now I am not just internalizing it all. Maybe it even explains why I it has been about three weeks since I have really done anything about it...

Monday, March 10, 2008

something wonderful

Every instant message of my recent life is documented. All except for one. I never thought I would enjoy that. But i liked what happened today. It is all gone, this one conversation i mean. But it is like it only happened for me and this other person. Memories only.

i love it.

on women

I don't really know how I feel about women. They tend to be rather needy.
Maybe I am just jaded, but it seems that most of the needy people that I See in my life are females. My mother, Ann, even some of my professional friends. Really, it is not that i don't like helping people, but seriously? Do you really expect me to do that? People wonder why I am so stressed out, and why It is taking so long to go through school. Why I am sometimes late to work, late to class, late for my own things; because I am busy doing things for these people; I am not putting myself first. It gives me a sense of worth, knowing that they appreciate me-- but suddenly I am starting to feel that they don't appreciate me.
I am not one to ask for assistance unless I have done as much myself as possible. And, as I have noticed, my guy friends are the same way. But these women-- are they even trying? I am not sure anymore.

Friday, March 07, 2008

say what?!?!?

all I will say is:
Captain of a Football Team
Homosexual Deviance
Nice Guy
Filtered Water
Dish Soap on Tap

This translates to an idea that society has painted into my mind. I attribute this to a thing i heard on the news yesterday, about how a congressman or someone wants some football player to be let off the hook for lying to congress.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I have had so many varieties of triscuits crackers recently, and something funny happened today:
I got a plain triscuit in my box of rosemary and olive oil triscuits.
Oh, the shame!

I knew it would happen eventually

Good morning, Fru!
Didn't expect that I would bump into you. I suppose that it was to be expected.

Monday, March 03, 2008


you know what job would be really embarrassing to have?
set designer for adult films... hehehe.

what I did

I just did something great. I showed restraint. Go me...

she had it right

The only way out is through. I will grant her that.
In my modernism class we find ourselves asking "is there a away out?" I finally had the prefect answer one day, it was the day of futurism--> the only way out is through.

We have to live life in order to get trough it. Formism says that drugs are what we need. Cubism says that we need to break out of the society that holds us, remove ourselves. Naturalism says that we can get out by the removing the people that are above us in society. Symbolism says that we can't get out unless a greater force pulls us out. It might even be argued that Dadaism has a claim in saying that life is "just a joke", getting out is avoiding the whole purpose.

So, the only way out is by staying in. Refuse to leave until the the end presents itself to you.

I would have

I would have knocked on your door and asked if you are ok. But, now, I do not. Why? Because you can not see my good intentions. So, instead, i put on my headphones and act like i can't hear you.

I can have a heart of ice.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

on alain

alain: so look down
Me: look down at what exactly?
alain: its help you to communicate
alain: we say that when someone flyes to high
alain: for the other birds who have to follow...
alain: hehe

Saturday, March 01, 2008

into your folder

I am adding this to your folder... into your folder, with your name.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


god... I feel gayer already...
I really am so confused by straight boys, I think that they should all take relationship advice from me.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm troubled

that is what said today when Sam asked me how I am. I'm troubled. I have finals coming up, papers to write, and oral presentations to memorize. This whole thing with me showing up late to work yesterday is also killing me. I was so looking forward to having the day off and spending much time with Josh, but it was ripped from me. I have made a new friend, but he fucked it up, so now we aren't really as much of friends as we were 24 hours ago. Actually, I can't seem to understand why he has been in such a way as he is. He got really snippy last night when i spoke with him.
I think that I should listen to ed more that i do. I mean I listen to him a lot and usually take his advice, but for some reason i seem to resist him on this subject and those closely related to it. He was right last time, and will probably be right this time.
I would also like to mention that I had a nice time with page rock climbing. I hope that we continue to do it. I already told josh that i want him to try it. I think that Conrad will also like it. Something tells me that Conrad will be better at it than Josh... just a hunch... heheh. right. And the guy that ballad (spelling?) me was really nice, and I hope to see him there again. I would smile. (this sentence is a replacement for what I am not sure I really want to put there... i am so unhappy with every guy that i see walking down the street, right now.)
Oh, and I can't forget that I have to wash all my pants tonight.

I have no moral of the story for you readers... sorry. I will try to be of more help to your souls later...

Monday, February 18, 2008

we'd ask you to take a bow

but I am afraid your audience might try and kill you wile you are down.
I hate street performers that suck at it. I watched a guy way back when performing live, and he was just terrible-- simply terrible. But he tried, and that gets him major points. Enough for me to applaud him. I like to be entertained, so, you know.. he did his best. The best he could.
Here is the moral: as long as you do the very best you can, there will be someone who will appreciate it. So, take a bow, but be sure that at least someone is there clapping.

I know more now

I know more now than before about how to hunt someone. I hate to call it htat, but it really is that exactly, a hunt that I do. Sometimes they run, sometimes, I get them before they even know I am hunting them. I recently have gotten the resources to do --
OH my god.
I can't believe it. He has changed. He is no longer a jerk... I think. There was a post I created a very long time ago... april 25, 2007. It was about the same situation, only this time McCarren opened the door. And there was nothing snide about it. I suppose I should thank God for small miracles, but then again, it is only making it more difficult to let it go and write him off as a bad person.

I suppose that this is ... a dead point?
september 8, 2007
Someone who does not share the specifics of a culture remains an outsider, no matter how astute as student they are or how well meaning their intentions. I declined a white director not on the basis of race but on the basis of culture. White directors are not qualified for the job. The job requires someone who shares the specifics of the culture of black Americans

-Wilson, August. I want a Black Director

Are you serious? no wonder nobody liked you. You really were just some angry old black man who felt that no white boy could do anything as well as you. People that boil up that hatred, like you, are the reason that there exists racism. You needed to get over your past and understand that children are mean to everyone, not just you because you were black. Get over yourself and let Spielberg give your script a shot.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Under the radar

Under the radar my ass!
You can't do that... this is my blog.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

who are you

who the hell are you to judge people?
For that matter, who am I to do so?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

the ring

I just watched a widow give her son her wedding ring to give to his soon to be fiance. how sweet.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


I like cubism plays. They make no sense, but are still amazing.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

the post

I posted a question on the forum and I received a reply from a person that i blocked their posts. I immediately said, well, maybe they posted a recipe, it was in request of a recipe that i posted. So I selected to view his post. It was a smart ass answer... no help to me.
SO the moral is, usually if someone is an asshole for years, they are still going to be one today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Desires slippped away by the tail

There is a play by Pablo Picasso called, "Desire caught by the tail." I haven't read it, but I can assume that the title has something to do with it. My recent desire slipped away by the tail... how very sad, before I even knew I had caught it, it had escaped. Stupid tail!

Moral for the reader: If you find yourself satisfied, don't ask questions.

Monday, February 04, 2008


why do you feel the need to lie to me? I can see right through you, and see what happened to you.

There was a message to my readers, but it was put away from view to make room for my ranting. Now it is all gone.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

alrighty, reflections?

I realized something, the reason why I see what is going on with those two is because I did it, too! I am guilty of trying to be someone I am not. Of trying to adapt my ways to be more compatible with someone else. I am not really that interesting of a person, so I extend myself into a new realm of me where i am just a bit more of whoever I want to be around. For example (and I am sure that josh doesn't want to hear this, but it is for my own good), a certain guy that has recently found out that i have lusted after him for over a year sees a more confident me, a more certain Kevin. While another guy will see a more playful me. I use all these personas to fit with these people better. I suppose the only ones that are worth it ins the end are those that i can be me around...

Any comments from others who have been in this boat?

bless you

bless you for trying, and I forgive you for your failure. This is about an entirely different person, not the one that tried to get me to befriend him by being someone else. You are stuck were you are. I wish you the best, but I need to let you fall on your own feet, maybe fall to your knees, I don't know. I hope that you will be humbled by this, that you can grow into something better. I can not help you out tonight, you are stuck in the middle with yourself. If you run from it, it will catch up to you, and you will be in trouble with yourself...good luck talking your way out of that one.

Moral: live, learn, fall in love, pick up the pieces when they break your heart, then get back on the horse, and ride off into the sunset.

I see you, not the fake one

I can see what you are trying to do, and i appreciate it, but really it isn't necessary. This mask that you put on is only fooling yourself. Just be honest with me, or else... I will think something different then the truth. You can not maintain this idea that you present to me. I see that you are trying to reach me on my level, but i have no problem meeting you halfway.
That was sort of my monologue for a guy that I really should tell you all more about, I don't think I have ever mentioned him on this blog before, he really is nothing too special-- no, he is special, but he can't see it. He might have some feelings for me or something, I am not sure, but I see that he is trying too hard to connect with me. He tried to get me excited about something that he knows i have a passion for, and his assumption that an extreme of that would excite me. But it simply fell through.
Sot he moral of the story is, just be yourself, if you make a friend being someone who you aren't then they really aren't YOUR friend, they are a friend of your created persona.

Friday, February 01, 2008

A walk to remember

This was a cute movie... till they had sex in the car.
err... sorry, i get bored sometimes and wander off. I'll bet she is terminally ill.

I needed that

Thanks, dude. I really needed that chat. I really think that you are a wonderful person, and that your very lucky to have met your girlfriend, but not nearly as lucky as she is. I would admit that I am am a bit jealous, but she talked my straight out of that idea. I see that I am lucky to have Josh, who really cares for me.
Thanks for being there.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

the look

I gave the look today. I have never meant it so much. It was such an uncalled for thing, and I could only return the spite with that look. In that moment, I know that I was hated, and i could do nothing more than take it in, and put back out a distilled form of emotion.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

some good news

alright, having spewed out my negative thoughts and a moral of the story... I am left with nothing better to tell the audience than my joys.
So, here is a wonderful thing that happened today.
I was talking to a girl, one who grew up in a very christian house, and she asked why people bother to live, what is the point. I told her so many different things, most of which were my explanations of great proverbs and teachings. I finished with a question that mirrored hers, "Where are you going so fast?" I told her to enjoy life, that the meaning of life is to live. When you remove all the verbs and nouns of your day, you have adjectives. These are what living is. All the senses clouding around you.
I told her the story of Siddhartha Gautama and the flower when she asked about the end of life, telling her that people refuse anything but the absolute. That if she names something, she has limited it to that.
I told her that she was very formist in her thoughts about life, not that she was drugged up, but that she was breaking it all down to something that abandons reality so much that it abandons dreams.
I think I helped her understand a bit... and i understand it more myself. It is all about believing, that is faith.

So, I close tonight with a song.
There's a place so i've heard,
where troubles souls lay in fields of green.
Nature roams free there.

I like the fact that the song is never the same...

with this ship

The moral of tonight, for me at least, is don't abandon ship if you are responsible for it...
Perhaps I stated that wrong-- Sometimes you need to stick it out till the end. I am not advocating that you punish yourself for your past (in fact, do us all a favor and forgive yourself) but i am not saying that you can just pick up and leave your messes around.
I recently saw a guy who I used to know. He never grew up, really he is almost a child. He needs to learn that people are not going to solve his problems. My mother is very similar in this aspect. As am I sometimes. But the difference is that I do something about it.

Guy at Axis II

OK, so I made a post on the 10th about a guy at axis. i heard that he is bad news, but he doesn't look like it... well, looks can be deceiving. I like to think that the raptor would stay clear of him if he were bad news. I prefer to keep the illusion that the raptor cares more about me than the people who he knows once removed... I could be wrong.
However, the raptor is not the subject of this post. A certain character in blue underwear is. hahah, you must forgive me, if you are reading this, Joel. I was rather taken with you at first glance. If your personality checks out, you might be worth keeping on my IM list.
Now, as far as the line I said before, "Turns out that he is no good". I am afraid that it might not be true. I fear that he might be a good guy, and fear it because that means that someone did not want me to see him in a positive light. This person has nothing to fear from this guy. He is a hot boy, I will call it what it is. There is nothing to fear...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Crime of necessity.

Friday, January 25, 2008

both of you

there are two of you that i know will never read this blog, so I can speak frankly. I will admit that you make me smile, both of you, and that I briefly had feelings for you both - briefly. But I see that there is nothing good in that. I am not single any more, and i am not up for random sex. To the first gentleman; I am glad that you are there in my life. You are one of my favorite customers. To the second guy. thanks for the laugh, thanks for the pleasant surprise, but you are just... showing up at the wrong time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

poor fred

Fred got rejected today, I always knew that he was a freak...
Luckily, he has no feelings and is simply a tool that i can use to frighten people. Maybe some good will come of him one day, frightening the right person. Maybe he can make a jerk afraid to be a jerk anymore. I am sure that one can assume what happened. Mr. Terri sent a note to a person, and in it he dropped a clue that allowed him to plant a seed of fear into someone else, should the need arise.
When the conversation went bad and Fred was rejected he put out one piece of information: that latitude and longitude of the person with whom he spoke; in real time... to the 1/100 of a second. (latitude-inally speaking). Unfortuntly he will not get to see the fruits of his labor...

Fianlly said it

I finally went off today, luckily I was not in class. I was outside in the hall. I just got out of my design class (a.k.a. ass licking 201). I was very frustrated by the entire process that we have to go through, and rather pissed that i was penalized for the same thing that I had lost points for the first time because she didn't hand back the assignments soon enough.
Anyway, I finally said what i have been thinking for a long time about that class, "They are just trying to justify this bullshit course by giving us a shitload of work!" and then I felt better.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I ar't the emo one

How dare you? For that matter, how dare anyone? Sex is something closed to the public world.
I often feel that I might have made a mistake in my past, one which I am afraid I am not up for discussing on the internet.
Instead I will tell you a story, which involves a lot of the same emotions (very few of the same actions) as my situation. It involves a denim bag, a pile of scratched CDs, and a boy that didn’t know who he really was seeing. There was a girl who completely lost herself and tried to regain her identity through sex of all things. Eventually meeting the above mentioned boy, she tried to seduce him, and it never worked out. She left a denim bag at his house and borrowed a pile of his CDs in an attempt to make more reasons to see him.
Frustrated to the point of insanity, he started to see her as stalking him. He eventually had sex with her, but it was not a good thing. She cried rape a few days later once she realized that the name she had created for herself was “whore”. She quickly was called a victim, and he labeled a sexual predator. There was no proof of anything occurring, except that the CDs and the Bag served to prove that they knew each other.
She never did come to a profile she liked, but he lost so much. The emotions involved are shared by my story; abandonment, lies, and betrayal. Once one party has what they want, or realize that they will not get what they want, they are gone. That is what has happened to me, a long time ago it happened, and I just came to realize it today. I was used by someone, to make them feel better about themselves. I was the only one who loses out in the end.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Admitting evil

I don't understand why people decide to admit that they cut corners to those who are grading them. As if the honesty will get them a better grade? If you manage to find the information needed to summarize a play online, without cracking a book, you do NOT write that you used internet summaries on your paper. You simply defend to the end that you read it, but it was long and you don't retain well. That ties up the loose ends and won't get you caught for academic misconduct, Mr. G.
Now, when you reach the classroom, you do not participate in the conversation, and you do not try and counter what others are saying (others who have read the book). That is a simple idea: sit down and keep your mouth shut. If you are asked for input, then you cite a very specific detail that is so trivial that it could be interpreted in infinite number of ways.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

gave me goosebumps

I have to read a play for my 674 class, here is an excerpt.

It has to do with blacks/whites.

In reflection of Yesterday's post

The post about what it feels like to die; that was a speculation. Not a report of death. I have not, in any sense of the word, died. Neither expressly or implied. I do not know what it is to die, but if I get the chance to tell you I will.
Tonight was a different realization, about fear and what it is to be afraid. I was afraid that my fears would forever haunt me, that was the fear. Not death, or fire, or falling, or anything like that; just fear.

Expected and confirmed

I expected something to happen, and then it did. I was right... always right in this regard. Like reading a book, I knew what would happen. I fall within parameters specific. Although I did sway the convicted minds in one direction.

What are you so afraid of?

I realized that the most terrifying thing of all is the idea that fear might not end. I had a thought today that involved a few minuets of being afraid that my situation would never improve, or even return to how average it might have been before. I was afraid that I was locked into a different .. world of being. Does that make sense? or just sound stoner-ishy. Anyway, I was afraid that I had changed my life forever.. and that I would never be able to undo the damage I had caused.
Fear is nothing more than that, there is no logical reason to be afraid.. well there is reason, but it serves very little purpose. The fear that i felt about a damage to my world would not be made better by examining it. It was just illogical.
I am tired, and bed is looking nice. I hope i sleep well... I hope that I sleep nicely.

Friday, January 11, 2008

less than 30 days

in less than 30 days I have grown a lot. It started with me and Matt breaking up, went through a few different guys, and I eventually found one that I like enough to put forth an effort.
It is really a short time period, but it has a nice ending.
I feel like I don't really talk about josh enough, I mean on here. In the real world, all my friends know about him, and some have met him. But this blog talks more about the other guys in my life.

What it feels like to die

It is like someone comes from behind, and suddenly covers your eyes. He doesn't even say,"Guess who?" and then suddenly takes his hands away. But there's no one there. There's only you with a little less of yourself, just standing there.

Actually is not like there's really much to it.
It's not really a big deal, you kind of get used to it.

About the plants

I changed the plant on my desk yesterday - the other one died. Well, it isn't dead, it is sitting on the hearth downstairs. The point is that i replaced it with a hearty one. Both came from Matt, I managed to kill one (I blame it on the moving from Matt's house to mine.)
Anyway, death is part of life... really I meant to write something deeper, but it failed.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


If you found yourself trapped in something that isn't reality, how would you feel? There is a tale about a boy who is trapped in a world that others are free to come and go from. He has an unnamed tie to the world, but it is not by choice that he stays. He is the only person who can feel pain or smell scents or anything that isn't related to sight or hearing, which is all that he others have to experience. This sets him apart and causes him to be an outcast.
I return to the question, if you are trapped and the only one trapped, how scared would you be? I would be shitty scared!! There is nothing so frightening than being alone... within reason.

Guy at axis

Went to axis with josh and Erin and saw a guy on the box. That was about it. My lasers didn't work in that small amount of fog... But i did end up seeing a very pretty boy. Turns out that he is no good, although he was hot. Turns out though, that the Raptor knows him, so I got his name. I sent him a facebook message, but there was no reply. End of story.

Digging deeper.

Run on, for a long time.
Six little words. ON the surface it looks like it means a lot, but really it means nearly nothing. Those words are just the first line of a song.
Now, this exercise shows something to the readers. Sometimes I don't mean anything more than what these words are. It is rare, but every so often I am just straight forward.
I was asked lately what the post four oer five below this one means... I don't even see how they can think there is a deeper meaning. That post is about BT and Steve. Ed might have been mentioned in there, but there is nothing deeper!

august wilson

whoa... Crazy shit goes on with this guy. I am going to be writing a paper about how he has a recurring theme of blacks returning to the south.
Oh, and about me saying things like "Blacks", "Negros", or using any other racially based term. I am allowed to do that. Deal with it bitches, this is my blog, and i will do what I want.