"Ok, every time i see him, I want to take a sledge hammer to his forehead."
-- me thinking to myself less than 30 seconds ago.
You know what, I'll bet you are thinking this is about someone else...
You're wrong...
And I am not sure if it makes me want to hammer you even more...
And this grammatical chain is making my basic thoughts more difficult to process...
i suppose that this puts me into a certain class of insanity, the blind hatred of those that ... are of no threat-- but he is-- to me. He is very much a threat. i can't stand to be around him sometimes, but then at the same time, I cherish it more than any social etiquette allows for. He is ... grrr. this pisses me off. and I just want to do myself a favor and avoid him like the plague, so that he can never "threaten" me again. But I suppose that-- there are things I can do. like... but that would be a whale of a drastic measure, and it would be one of those -- no it would be completely reversible. He is, despite what blanks are filled in, a pretty forgiving guy... and that makes me hate him even more. Just be a bitch once in a while, stoop to someone Else's level. Don't you understand; no one likes a nice guy.
I used to be a nice guy and still am, until I started hanging out with him, and now I am just look like an arrogant prick. I am actually a good guy-- trust me on that. But in comparison, it appears that I am a jerk. Even when you and I -- fight ( you really can't call it that-- but it is categorized with all the same feelings i have when in a fight with someone) you are just so nice. You don't complain to anyone, and you don't vent to your friends (DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY FRIENDS OUTSIDE OF ME???? I certainly haven't seen them! [actually, I have... but I don't really think it counts, we didn't actually get to talk... it was like seeing someone through glass... but having no glass there... YOU ARE THE GLASS, YOU SICK FUCK!!! GOD, I HATE YOU SO MUCH]) Or do they all want to stab you in the eye because you are too much of a good person!
Fuck off.
P.S. I can't wait to grab some food again, it has been way too long.
And it has to be made just like that
4 hours ago