My grandmother was moved into a old folks home yesterday. I knew about it, but I didn't give it too much thought. Today I read the description of the place that my father sent... he said that it sounds great, that she doesn't have to make the bed, all her meals are cooked for her, all her laundry done for her... I think that sounds terrible.
I fear that I will be cast away in the end. I had a thought about what happens to gay people when they get old? They have no family or children... nobody. Alone, and there is nobody to take care of them. Of course there can be adopted children and partners, but... that isn't the norm. I am ... so afraid to be alone. I can barely stand to come home to an empty house. The moment anyone comes home, The first thing I do is dash into their room and ask how their day was. I am not meant to be alone... it makes me feel... alone. I know that sounds needy and dependant-y, but what is wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with needing people.