|For the long-time readers|
Matt: If you go away from me... then it will be on my terms. I will not let you run away, nor will you slip away in the night. I will not be harsh, but swift. It will be the cleanest of breaks, nothing but business. But, if you stay... then time will tell...
Dave: Should you stay away, far away. You will be distant and a memory only. You do not hurt from far away. You left in your time, but I said goodbye on my terms. You were already gone two days before the plane took off...
Anthony: If you go away, then I must tell you. You were fun to see, and fun to chase, but the loss would be so hazy that I would not be able to see it until it was over...
Matt(other): Well, shit. You can't leave. You are stuck here for a few more years... MFAs take some time... Hahaha. See you Thursday.
Cole: You are going. But, [if] you go away, then make it concrete. Be sure of the decision. Know that you are doing what is right. I know that you are on your way to the future. God Speed.
Dwayne: You are returning? Really? interesting. I hope that I get to see you. There is so much I have to update you with... and so little is made of things I am proud of...
Ben: Darling and dear. you are gone. Not in space, but in heart and soul, you have flown away, not that you were ever here. you were always gone, by default you never were near, but I am OK with that. I can accept that. Addicted to you was like a fix that I kicked in a few months. Goodbye my love, hello my friend.
I still hold your hand in mine when I sleep. I might dream of you. I might curse you when I wake. But you are gone, gone for here. Your heart beat is near to my chest... but it is really gone.