another mack bash:
Unlike Mac, Windows is a sophisticated piece of software, imagine coding for thousands and thousand of hardware and each and every one of the hardware works seamlessly with Windows. Mac however has only one hardware vendor to code for, if Mac is in the same situation as Windows, Mac would have been a bloated, buggy and an unstable OS.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
questions so rude
is there a nice way to ask someone why you are still friends? Ir it rude to ask a person to provide you with a reason for you to continue talking to them? why should we spend our efforts on people, if there is no point. Just because we have grown comfortable with them? maybe even comfortably numb?
Society judges us by the company we keep, and sometimes it is best to keep someone away, or let them drift away on there own.
There it is right there--> drift away on their own. As of this moment I will not put forward the effort. It is on their shoulders. Should I never hear from them again, then I just let it get away- float away and deflate like a flaccid balloon.
Society judges us by the company we keep, and sometimes it is best to keep someone away, or let them drift away on there own.
There it is right there--> drift away on their own. As of this moment I will not put forward the effort. It is on their shoulders. Should I never hear from them again, then I just let it get away- float away and deflate like a flaccid balloon.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The original web article shows how one man went from Isheep to informed user. I think this is a great article, mostly because he makes a point in his last paragraph.
The Apple web is perhaps the most dynamic sector of the Internet. Thousands of people labor day and night to feed the technological swill that we all lap up. The web has undergone dramatic changes over the years, but one thing remains the same, the iSheep march on.
iSheep are Apple zealots who can't see past whatever technological or philosophical incarnation Apple is religiously lauding at any particular moment in time. iSheep are cult-like in their devotion to their Apple religion. They wage ruthless jihad on the infidels, those who suffer the unforgivable blasphemy of not using Apple products. But the cult of Apple is just like every other cult created by man. Those blinded by ideology are in the end made to be the fool.
This website is full of "iSheepery." One only has to read the postings of years past. The primary rule of this site is that once you post it, it stays posted, so you better mean what you say when you say it. Looking back at some of the old opinion posts, I believe that some of the authors are probably now a bit embarrassed by their iSheep rantings.
That is the problem with the iSheep mentality. You don't realize you are an iSheep while you are caught up with your iSheepness. It is not until you realize how silly is your devotion, that you can actually see the world from the perspective of a rational human. Until then, you are nothing more than a ranting iSheep.
For example, in the early 1990s, the iSheep were all up in arms over the switch from the 68K Motorola processor to the PowerPC processor. The iSheep had for years been fed the convincing Apple propaganda of IBM = bad, Motorola = good. IBM was a significant partner, along with Motorola, in the creation of PowerPC technology. How could Apple shrug off its old line dogma aimed squarely at Big Blue?
Apple took another page out of George Orwell's 1984, and this time it didn't have anything to do with "Big Brother." How do you turn an enemy into a friend? Create another enemy. Nothing motivates a cult more than hate. Apple shifted its propaganda from IBM is evil to Microsoft is evil. This happened overnight and was extremely unsubtle. Suddenly, IBM became an ally in the battle against the real enemy, Microsoft, who had coupled with an even more diabolical and evil foe, Intel. Why was Microsoft evil? They make really good office software. I don't care for their operating system, but I wouldn't exactly call them evil.
iSheep bought into "Microsoft is evil" hook, line, and sinker. Here was the line fed to and repeated by the iSheep: Microsoft makes horrible software and Intel makes horrible, slow, and inefficient processors. Sure, I bought into it just like everyone else. I was an iSheep.
Apple shifted its propaganda from a battle over hardware (Apple II/ Macintosh versus IBM) to a battle over software (MacOS versus Windows). There was still the obligatory jihad against Intel or other industry standard equipment, but the main focus was with MacOS, which was unfortunate for Apple because Windows caught up with and perhaps even surpassed Classic MacOS in the late 1990s. Apple needed a spin. They needed something to bring the iSheep back into the fold, something to keep the faithful, well, faithful.
They once again moved back to the hardware angle and produced beautiful candy-colored computers. The iSheep fawned and purred, but Apple was finding it hard to hide the embarrassing fact the MacOS was about 5 years down on the high tech curve. Apple played it beautifully. They filled the iSheep with the holy word, OS 8 is wonderful and then OS 9 is the most advanced operating system in the world. The iSheep again lapped it up. They bought every word.
Huge efforts were made by the iSheep using the young Internet to spread the word to all corners of the world. MacOS is superior to Windows! MacOS is superior to Windows! Microsoft is evil! Bill Gates is the new Big Brother!
And then Apple partnered with Microsoft. Sounds familiar doesn't it. Apple realized that it needed Microsoft as a friend way more than it needed it as a propaganda tool. So Apple entered into a detente with the evil monopoly and the evil monopoly kept making its evil Microsoft Office for the Mac so that the holy Apple Corp would not go under. Bill Gates loved the coin thrown his way by the little iSheep following Apple's lead.
But for Apple to keep the iSheep religiously funneling money back into its coffers, the company still needed to maintain an enemy and as always, Intel fit the bill. Oh, how we spent hours in the forums back in the late 1990s, making fun of Intel. The Pentium is garbage, megahertz is a myth, Alta-Vec is awesome, and on and on and on. Apple really had us iSheep sputtering all their holy pronouncements with fervor and conviction. But trouble was brewing in the cult. Apple was about to make its greatest transition since the PowerPC chip replaced the 68K chip. Apple was going to kill Classic MacOS in favor of a Unix-based operating system developed by another company, OS X.
This iSheep propaganda machine was a sight to behold, let me tell you. Apple spun it with an ingenuity seldom seen in the business world. They came up with a catchy symbol: "X," and named it after large predatory felines, "Puma," "Jaguar," "Panther," "Tiger," "Leopard." Now the enemy was no longer external. The new enemy was internal, Classic MacOS. Classic was now called vile, old, primitive, and dangerously flawed. OS X would save the company where Classic was leading it to destruction.
It was a blood bath. The iSheep were eating their own. The evil Classic iSheep supporters had to be put down, removed, silenced, and shunned because OS X was going to save us from total oblivion. Finally, after a few years, the iSheep emerged stronger from the experience. Mention Classic MacOS in any forum, and you will immediately be attacked. Classic sucks, OS X is the greatest thing ever, ect., ect. I can hardly wait for the impending spectacle that will result when Apple encourages a new generation of iSheep to kill off the OS X iSheep. Perhaps they will name the next generation OS after birds like Falcon or Eagle or Condor. Now that would be a cool way to brainwash the future iSheep. It is going to be disastrous for many sites on the Internet. Sites with domain names containing "OSX" will have to change or die. So strong have they been programmed that they may think OS X is forever. Believe me, Apple II wasn't forever, neither is OS X.
So what is happening today? I think that is most obvious. Apple has once again done a radical 180 and embraced a former hated and scorned enemy. You guessed it. After spending millions upon millions pushing the PowerPC architecture and encouraging the iSheep to poke fun at everything else, they are abandoning it in favor of Intel. Furthermore, they have all but abandoned Apple proprietary standards in favor of superior industry standards. Say goodbye to ADB and AppleTalk and say hello to USB and Ethernet.
Even OS X is losing its importance. If you don't like it, you can run Windows instead. This is astounding. How many iSheep have spent countless hours defending the honor of their holy OS only now to be told that it wasn't all that important after all?
I am no longer an iSheep. I try to evaluate technology on what I need versus what it costs. In my opinion, Apple is the best computer on the market. I couldn't conceive of owning any other brand. Microsoft produces the best Office applications. iLife is for amateurs and iWeb is a joke. .Net is pretty cool and Apple doesn't have a clue about how to be an Internet services company. .Mac is a disaster. These opinions are based on reason and forethought. I hope your choices are based on reason and forethought as well. Being an iSheep is similar to being a slave. Think for yourself. Think different.
Friday, June 26, 2009
the lord provides
Really, just go out and be a good person, and do good things, and help people. Good things will come to you. Recently, because I helped someone, I was truly blessed.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Cube
such racism. There are only two black people in the entire movies series, and it is both of them that go crazy and kill the others. They are the angry characters.
I cube 1 he drops the one woman to her death. and in cube 3 he tries to kill both heroes.
I cube 1 he drops the one woman to her death. and in cube 3 he tries to kill both heroes.
I'd rather not say
I think I might need to get another job, I mean an additional one. It would be foolish to quit my current one.
Monday, June 22, 2009
on the outside
I am on the outside, looking in. And I like it that way. I don't need the freaky brotherhood that you all belong to, I am better off forming myself into whatever I want to be.
Friday, June 19, 2009
YOU can download the internet -- Today!
Let's be honest, MOST Mac AND PC users are dumb enough that you could convince them they could download the internet with enough tech jargon. It's why IT people have jobs. It's why Best Buy can get away with selling $150 Geeksquad "service" that includes such scary and complicated things as "virus removal" and "spyware check".
The best thing the technology support industry ever did for itself was sound complicated enough that people are scared to touch it. Imagine the caveman as he is fascinated and simultaneously terrified by fire, now upgrade that caveman to a businessman and upgrade the fire to firewire 800.
The best thing the technology support industry ever did for itself was sound complicated enough that people are scared to touch it. Imagine the caveman as he is fascinated and simultaneously terrified by fire, now upgrade that caveman to a businessman and upgrade the fire to firewire 800.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rock Band
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
what is coming over me?
Am I becoming more intolerant of a person, am I wrong in wanting the best for myself? wanting to exercise as many rights as I can get my hands on? Wanting to tip all scales in my favor? Is that self centered? obviously it is, but what is so bad about being self centered. Literally, at least in this case, it is about putting myself in a good spot.
This is me making myself feel better
But seriously, have i become more jagged?
This is me making myself feel better
But seriously, have i become more jagged?
male abortion
Although it does not affect me, I still feel that I deserve an opinion on the subject matter. I finally found the way to describe what i have been trying to say with my previous attempts.
'When a female determines she is pregnant, she has the freedom to decide if she has the maturity level to undertake the responsibilities of motherhood, if she is financially able to support a child, if she is at a place in her career to take the time to have a child, or if she has other concerns precluding her from carrying the child to term. After weighing her options, the female may choose abortion. Once she aborts the fetus, the female's interests in and obligations to the child are terminated. In stark contrast, the unwed father has no options. His responsibilities to the child begin at conception and can only be terminated with the female's decision to abort the fetus or with the mother's decision to give the child up for adoption. Thus, he must rely on the decisions of the female to determine his future. The putative father does not have the luxury, after the fact of conception, to decide that he is not ready for fatherhood. Unlike the female, he has no escape route'.
--Melanie McCulley
'When a female determines she is pregnant, she has the freedom to decide if she has the maturity level to undertake the responsibilities of motherhood, if she is financially able to support a child, if she is at a place in her career to take the time to have a child, or if she has other concerns precluding her from carrying the child to term. After weighing her options, the female may choose abortion. Once she aborts the fetus, the female's interests in and obligations to the child are terminated. In stark contrast, the unwed father has no options. His responsibilities to the child begin at conception and can only be terminated with the female's decision to abort the fetus or with the mother's decision to give the child up for adoption. Thus, he must rely on the decisions of the female to determine his future. The putative father does not have the luxury, after the fact of conception, to decide that he is not ready for fatherhood. Unlike the female, he has no escape route'.
--Melanie McCulley
Friday, June 12, 2009
I should have said
A guy stopped me dead in my tracks as I was walking home from work today, just outside of Hound Dogs pizza. He was wearing a black wife beater and his friend was sitting on the stoop wearing a black bandanna, but in a different way than I wear mine. Both were wearing torn loose shorts. They were hipsters/punky kinda losers. The one standing, in the wife beater, just looked at me with his mouth wide open. I asked if I knew him, and he didn't move-- at all. I just looked at him for a long moment.
I eventually just walked away. But what I should have said was, "I have loved you all my life". As that is the only thing I can think of that is shocking enough to match the expression on his face.
Moral: some people just try and get a rise out of people, or try and make others feel uncomfortable. It is best to just play right back and trap them in their game.
I eventually just walked away. But what I should have said was, "I have loved you all my life". As that is the only thing I can think of that is shocking enough to match the expression on his face.
Moral: some people just try and get a rise out of people, or try and make others feel uncomfortable. It is best to just play right back and trap them in their game.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Twitter this!
I am standing behind my nose...
Oh look at that! I can be artistic and use the old technology.
wait. old technology? yep. blogging is apparently olde school. In the words of Fred Terri, there is no school like the old school.
Goodnight Columbus.
Oh look at that! I can be artistic and use the old technology.
wait. old technology? yep. blogging is apparently olde school. In the words of Fred Terri, there is no school like the old school.
Goodnight Columbus.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
nina simone... i gotta get more
Nina Simone
The Best Of Nina Simone
Four Women
My skin is black, my arms are long
My hair is woolly, my back is strong
Strong enough to take the pain, inflicted again and again
What do they call me? My name is aunt Sarah
My name is aunt Sarah, aunt Sarah
My skin is yellow, my hair is long
Between two worlds I do belong
But my father was rich and white
He forced my mother late one night
And what do they call me?
My name is Saffronia, my name is Saffronia
My skin is tan, my hair fine
My hips invite you, my mouth like wine
Whose little girl am I? Anyone who has money to buy
What do they call me? My name is Sweet Thing
My name is Sweet Thing
My skin is brown, my manner is tough
I'll kill the first mother I see, my life has been rough
I'm awfully bitter these days, because my parents were slaves
What do they call me? My name is Peaches
Get it? it is feminist. Pretty awsome, isn't it?
The Best Of Nina Simone
Four Women
My skin is black, my arms are long
My hair is woolly, my back is strong
Strong enough to take the pain, inflicted again and again
What do they call me? My name is aunt Sarah
My name is aunt Sarah, aunt Sarah
My skin is yellow, my hair is long
Between two worlds I do belong
But my father was rich and white
He forced my mother late one night
And what do they call me?
My name is Saffronia, my name is Saffronia
My skin is tan, my hair fine
My hips invite you, my mouth like wine
Whose little girl am I? Anyone who has money to buy
What do they call me? My name is Sweet Thing
My name is Sweet Thing
My skin is brown, my manner is tough
I'll kill the first mother I see, my life has been rough
I'm awfully bitter these days, because my parents were slaves
What do they call me? My name is Peaches
Get it? it is feminist. Pretty awsome, isn't it?
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
pretty lights
I see pretty lights everywhere I go bitches wanna know how high the sycamore grows into me like I crash that killed the princess toadstool is waiting at the castle in the sky.
there. That is surrealist writing. the following were independent thoughts
1. I see pretty lights everywhere. (opening thought)
2. Everywhere I go bitches wanna know Charley Scene ---- (Hollywood Undead)
3. how high the sycamore grows if you cut it down, you'll never know (Pocahonis)
4. crash into me like I crash into you, baby (Dave Mathews Band)
5. the crash that killed the princess. Millions mourned. (excert from "The Dreamer upstairs")
6. Princess toadstool is waiting at the castle for you, Mario. (opening of Mario 64)
7. Castle in the sky (that terrible techno song)
by pressing them together where they fit, they are surrealist. It might look random, but it was very well planned out, and the dissection proves it. There... surrealist art.
Suck it.
there. That is surrealist writing. the following were independent thoughts
1. I see pretty lights everywhere. (opening thought)
2. Everywhere I go bitches wanna know Charley Scene ---- (Hollywood Undead)
3. how high the sycamore grows if you cut it down, you'll never know (Pocahonis)
4. crash into me like I crash into you, baby (Dave Mathews Band)
5. the crash that killed the princess. Millions mourned. (excert from "The Dreamer upstairs")
6. Princess toadstool is waiting at the castle for you, Mario. (opening of Mario 64)
7. Castle in the sky (that terrible techno song)
by pressing them together where they fit, they are surrealist. It might look random, but it was very well planned out, and the dissection proves it. There... surrealist art.
Suck it.
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