Wednesday, May 30, 2007

passive aggressive

I am being passive aggressive in writing these blog entries, knowing that he will check them, so I think I will just tell him what they are about. That way it is not passive at all.

Update: According to my recent research, it is not passive aggressive at all, at least not by clinical definition.

Oh, and

Is it wrong of me to be mad that I am being theoretically exposed to a disease because someone didn't tell me they had another boy over and they think they caught something? I am allowed to be pissed, right?

The only reason I am not pissed is because I thought there was no disease because I assumed that I could trust him to keep safe and not put himself into a situation that would expose him to anything... or at least tell me that there is another person before he puts me at risk...

Yes. I think I am allowed to be angry.

A lesson in the absolute

A lesson on the absolute:
I was recently involved in debate about the real nature of an Oreo. More specifically questioning the fact that they are vegan as of late or for 10 or 15 years. My view is that recently they have become vegan, and the opposing view held the idea that they have been vegan for the longer period of time. I shall disclose the truth later in my article.
His opinion was based off of several websites that he -vaguely- remember visiting 10 to 15 years ago. His brief statements lead to the persuasion that these websites were not Nabisco or Kraft Foods (the makers of Oreo) but were vegan forums.

Now, let me poke this statement full of holes (simply because of his spite-like reaction when I discovered the happy median answer). Vegan-ism was not nearly as large in 1997 (the more recent side of his time span) as it is today (Reaching it's first worthwhile mention in 2002 with 4% of Americans claiming to "avoid animal products when possible" according to poll by Time/CNN and that .2% of American adults are Vegan. That was 2002, much later than 1997) But I will give him the benefit of the doubt... let me rephrase that-- I trust that he isn't lying. Now, the forum craze struck in recent years also, however Google does have it's oldest archives of a forum in existence in 1981, so I will trust him that these forums he claims to have read the fact that Oreos are vegan were in existence.
So. Those are the numbers... and they are against him.

Now, my information was much less researched: I was talking to a girl that I know. She has been a vegetarian for a few years and tried vegan-ism briefly, but still states on top of the vegan news and such. It was she how informed me that Oreos are recently vegan. That was it. I did no research. I trusted her.

I am a reasonable person, and I understand that he was just as mistaken as I was. But he was the one who decided to accuse me of being foolish for believing a one person I know rather than a whole forum of people he didn't know.

SO, This guy and I were talking recently about jello and he mentioned that it was made of horses (oh, um, by the way, it is cows and pigs. But I am sure that there are plenty of forums that will say horses if you look hard enough.) And I mentioned about the girl telling me about the fact that Oreos are now vegan and he launches (this word was considered multiple times and I decided to use it after careful thought) into an accusation that i am foolish for believing this girl. I of course get defensive because this IS an attack on myself and my friend. After a medium length conversation I was very unhappy with him. I decided to do some research.

I discovered that whether Oreos are vegan or not is dependant on where they are made.
Miami has had vegan Oreos for more than 8 years, while some places still use whey (an animal product: Dairy). So I told him my findings. And smiled while doing so. Rather than being at all glad that we are both right (or at least both within the realm of possibility) he immediately tries to defeat my source.

So. There it is. The moral of the stroy is that niether of us were absolutely correct. The difference; I allowed for the idea that he could be right. He thought I was wrong till the end.

*Oh, and a side note; Alcohol was involved in this event... but I am the one that is typing this and he is the one one -passed out (sleeping more than deeply)- on the bed after falling asleep on the couch a few times. And now he is snoring; something that he is too stubborn to believe he does, but I video taped it. I am sick of him not believing me. Maybe I will just start writing down everything that he doesn't believe and checking it. I already told him last time that i was wrong (Mash up vs. Match up). I expect it is asking too much for him to tell me that I was right once.

[Note: The name in this post has been removed to protect the arrogant-- err, I mean innocent.]

Monday, May 28, 2007


So, we went to the zoo today. It was lovely. Sam, Matt and myself all went. Sam had a coupon, so we got in for half price. When we went in, we had a great time. It seems that the most amazing for Matt were the fish. I think that is-- well I don't know, but I guess it is interesting. He seemed extremely fascinated by one fish in particular. And his cause was not because it was beautiful. It was actually because he found it ugly. it had a antenna on it's head and it reminded him of an Edsel (sp?). I am not surprised by the fact that it is was the ugliest. That is very Matt of him to choose that one.
Oh, and Sam liked the monkeys. I liked the lion. I am not sure why.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Birth Certificate

SO, I need a new copy of my birth certifificate. Not a big deal, actually a very small deal. I have neo dead line, and all I have to do is go to

Ohio Department of Health
Vital Statistics
225 Neilston Street (Walk-in service)
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: (614) 466-2531
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

you know

I am just so sick of people cancelling plans. I am tired of it. I am going to start cancelling. I started today.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Oh, and I solved the mystery of the missing towel... but I am not going to tell you where it was... The nose knows.


I have had an interesting reaction to my current situation. A little background: I am forced to be surrounded by someone who makes me want to rip my face off. He is no better than I, and in fact, there are so many ways that I blow him out of the water. I am not going to be cocky enough to say that he hasn't gotten me beat in some aspects, but I am sure that there is a major difference in the quality of the persons herein mentioned. I care about people, as all people care about fellow human beings. And regardless of my cares for the life of my "enemies" i find this particular gentleman grinding on my last nerve. I do not write to entertain, I mainly write to help myself discover the truth about a situation, and the more I examine the situation, the less I feel I should have to be around person R. Now, I do realize that i benefit from having him around. i have to do less work to accomplish the same tasks with or without him. So, it isn't bad having him around to do some of the work, but that is no reason for him to feel that he can walk all over my pride and personal fortitude.
I never got to see his application, but I know that he looks good on paper, he has experience and all that. He knows what he is doing in life in general, and he has a long list of work history, but, that doesn't mean that he is a good person. or the right person for the job... that is the best way I have said it, "I am [not even] sure he is a good person, just not the right guy for the job." I think we need to get rid of him. And most people that I talk to agree.
But I must admit, I have gained from this person. I have definitely taken more from the relationship (can you call it that?) than he has. that makes me a interesting person. It is not that I am maliciously using him, but i have allowed him to give of himself. So, i help him be a better person... interesting how I can turn anything any way I want...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

bobble head

So I am watching my bobble head Edgar Poe. It is nice. That is all.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

This video sucks. Some probably would like it. But I just got yelled at on the forum for commenting that i remember love... and that it wasn't a dog.

I know that love is blind.
And that it is forgiving.
And that love will conquer all.
That Love is all inclusive.
Love can't be stopped.
It is timeless.
Love takes the strong and brings them to their knees.
It is a force that shouldn't be reckoned with, and can't be beaten.
It is the reason people do that crazy things they do.

that was my post, and I posted before i watched the video. (i was not in a place to watch it.)

Now that I have seen it, I say it sucks.

Page would provably like the video, but I know that she understands that people are more important than dogs.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Why I am better than you

Not you, but some people. I have realized something. i have pictures on face book that are of me and of others. duh. But others only have pictures of them doing things that pertain to their major. They have friends, but only friends that are in their department, therefore am not my friend, even if we are in the same department. I am speaking about A certain theatre student. This person goes to every single cast party and ever single show that OSU touches. and it is because of this that so many think she has a booming social life, myself included until recently. but then I realized that she will be one of those people that is so alive right now, but then just a creepy person after that. I on the other hand have been making connections with real people that are outside of this university. Dome are theatre people, like John of LDT. while others are real people like ice cream makers. This girl even works in the theatre department. She will be so very lost come graduation.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rock DJ

Robbie Williams id very good in this video. I Must say, it isn't just because he is hot and naked. He is silly, sort of. He actually does something amazing; he dances really well. REALLY WELL. Look at it, there is no sign of choreography. Amazing.


this short hits every aspect of opera. Even the last words by bugs bunny.